Escape and Aim

In her desperation to keep her consciousness and balance …

Sharmaine released a deafening roar while in her purest white wolf form.

From the chaos going on, the other werewolves on board took a pause from their current fight against the vampire.

Even though the vampire was able to fight toe to toe against the pack of huge wolves.

The sudden roar distracted the others.

It made the vampire wonder regarding the sudden roar.

Unexpectedly, there was a change within the wolves.

Their aura changed.

As if their strength and prowess were amplified with undistinguished source of energy.

For a moment, uncertainty arise.

If he would be able to defeat the huge wolves he was against with or not.

Because of their sudden amplified aura.

The vampire wanted to make a sneak attack while they were distracted due to the roar released by Sharmaine. Their sudden amplified aura could tell how much of their strength increased.