Assessment Entry (Part II)

"Next is … Leone Fenris!" Esther called for the next hunter.

Whispers started to go around at the mention of Fenris.

'Are you kidding me, from the noble family of FENRIS?!?!'

'I bet his appearance in this assessment entry is just for formality's sake.'

'This is a no-brainer … I bet he would get a general average rate of 10 for sure!'

Some of the words being thrown around.

Without even seeing Leo exhibit his chosen skill and specialization, majority of the hunters already made their statement of prejudice over him.

Making Alliyah agitated.

"Why don't you wait for the guy prove his worth before giving your own remarks about him? I think everyone must see for themselves first before having your own conclusions. Otherwise, you all sound like envious piranhas wishing to be like him." Alliyah was unapologetically straightforward towards the other hunters.

Lily and Maki chuckled at Alliyah because she was behaving just like the way back in their licensure exam.