I am Alliyah Amaris

[-Golden Lions Guild-]

After passing the assessment entry …

The day has come for Alliyah and her friends to finally consider themselves as members of the Golden Lions Guild.

To finally have their experience in having their own jobs as members of the Golden Lions Guild.

Being a member of the Golden Lions Guild, it opens a lot of opportunities.

There are offers from different employers.

Posted right at the gigantic bulletin board.

Right at the first floor were lower ranking missions.

On their way to the bulletin, Alliyah was amazed at the immense opulence she was seeing around her.

For the first time, she got to see such grand and enormous place.

Living in the Caragua Island in her entire childhood prevented her to see such lavishness and luxury.

Simplicity and nature-loving were the things Alliyah grew up with.

Not the grand and sumptuous way of living.

Both, Maki and Lily were enjoying Alliyah's reaction because her expressions were raw.