Quench My Thirst

[-Forest near Capricorn City-]

'Damn it! I need to quench my thirst … or else …' Sharmaine contemplated while she clung to the shoulders of Areej.

As Areej wandered around the forest near the Capricorn City.

Things became darker and more nerve-wracking.

If it was someone else, they would be scared in their boots.

Fortunately, Areej had some extraordinary instincts in terms of having a sense of her surroundings.

Having her entire childhood spent on an island surrounded by animals and nature.

In the Caragua Island, the playground of the orphan children was the forest and the shores of the island.

Their favorite game was hide and seek. Making Areej more experienced in assessing her surroundings and climbing trees.

Somehow in her current location, a deafening silence was something to be alarmed with.

A predator was definitely nearby and she was the prey.