Moving Forward

[-In The Golden Lions Guild-]

After the Deputy Guild Master congratulated the team of Leo for their promotion, it was announced within the guild about the promotion of the 4 rookies.

Sending waves of reaction from all members of the guild.

Amused at the impressive accomplishment of the four new comers.

Reaching Gold Rank within short span of time.


*** Rankings of the Guild ***


[1] Diamond

[2] Platinum

[3] Gold

[4] Silver

[5] Bronze

[6] Copper

[7] Trainee


*** End of List ***



'Are they for real?'

'Haven't you heard they were just accepted recently?'

'How talented can they be?'

'Their team leader is Leo Fenris!'

'No wonder!'

People and members of the Golden Lions Guild began to talk about the new announcement of their deputy guild master.

News spread fast like a wild fire, within few minutes… people were talking about the newly promoted members