Night to Remember (Part I)

"Umm, Allie before you ask Leo, do you know what you will wear for the formal dinner?" Areej asked her older sister.

Then it dawned on Alliyah that she has nothing to wear.

"Oh my God, I don't know!" Alliyah began to panic at the thought she has nothing to wear.

The red velvet-haired vampire walked back and forth. Alliyah thought she was walking normally but due to her panic, she was already using her super speed.

Areej watched her pacing from one corner to another, the young girl was amused with Alliyah's extraordinary speed.

"Don't worry, we can buy something tomorrow. After all, you have loads of cash stashed from your recent rewards," eyes of Areej lit up with excitement at the thought of spending Alliyah's money.

"Why is it you are always excited when spending money is involved, hmm?" Alliyah stated her observation in regards to her younger sister's love for spending.