Duty and Honor

Inside the restricted room, Joe and the guardian of the restricted room exchanged attacks.

The veteran dark-haired hunter noticed the necklace of his opponent.

Its symbol was familiar to him.

As Joe made his attacks quicker and added more strength to it, the impact of his attacks were becoming more destructive.

"Not bad for a professional hunter. You can be a candidate for Paladinship. But there's no room for the likes of you. We are bound by duty and honor," the middle-aged man with his two battle axes uttered with pride.

He continued to express his pride, "As the guardian of this restricted room, I will not permit you to steal anything."

Then it dawned on Joe that he was going against a Holy Paladin.

"I was right! You are a Paladin. Why would they designate a Holy Paladin within this restricted room unless there's something very important that they want to keep from the public?" Joe pointed out.