Chapter 4 : Training, Papa and Date

Hello Tuna here!

I don't own KHR or Pokemon.


Third's POV

Tsuna woke up exactly 7 am Saturday morning with his internal clock. He look beside him and saw Yuki and remember the events that happened yesterday.

"I though it just a dream...welcome back, Yuki-chan." Tsuna whispered gently running his hands along the silky silver threads.

"Yuki-chan, wake up.... it's 7:03 already you have your training at 7:10" Tsuna said gently shaking Yuki up.

"Good morning, Tsu-chi..." Yuki greeted Tsuna stretching like a cat. She climb out of the warm bed albeit a bit reluctantly.

"I'll go change to my training clothes." Yuki said dragging her feet to the bathroom.

"I'll downstairs!" Tsuna exclaimed climbing out of bed. He heard an faint 'okay!' in the bath room when he opened the door.

He go downstairs and saw Reborn sipping his espresso, reading a newspaper, his mother humming while cooking, Bianchi supervising over Lambo, I-Pin and Fuuta whose still sleepy.

"I though I have to wake up....Vongola Style~" Reborn said once he saw Tsuna at the bottom of the stairs. Tsuna went pale as ghost when he remembered all the moment he woke having 10 ton mallet on his face.

"Ohayou, Tsu-kun! Where's Yuki-chan?" Nana greeted but asked when she didn't see the silver haired girl.

"Oh, She's changing on her training clothes." Tsuna said sitting across Reborn.

"Okay~" with that Nana went back to cooking

"Your girlfriend train, Dame-Tsuna?" Reborn asked expecting the brunette's girlfriend are all about girly stuff.

"She trains every morning with her pokémon. We can go watch her train, if you want?" Tsuna suggested.

"Heh, interesting. I'll go, I wanna see this pokemon's abilities." Reborn said smirking under her fedora.

Yuki appeared, not even a sleeping on her face. She is wearing a lavender kimono like shirt that reveal a bit of her cleavage, purple shorts, long black sock with lace that reach above her knee and white flat shoes. She is also holding a small bag that has drink bottles, berries and pokemon food.

"Tsu-chi are you going to watch?" Yuki asked.


"I'll go as well." Reborn said.

"Suit yourself. I'll be going now, Mama!" Yuki shrugged not even affected that someone else that is not Tsuna is going to watch her train.

~Timeskip to an random field near Namimori Shrine~

"Alright, Every one come out!" She said pushing a button in the Nanodex that let out a big red beam, in a flash of light Yuki's pokemon are all out, they all look so strong and powerful.

"Papa, missed you!" A blur of blue crash to Tsuna who didn't even look startled by it.

"Ah, I missed you too, Manaphy." Tsuna said gently patting the small mythical pokemon.

Manaphy is a small, blue, aquatic Pokémon with stubby feet and club-like arms that are longer than its body. It has a red gem on its chest and a yellow dot below the gem. Its onion-shaped head has a pair of long blue antennae, which have small spheres on the ends. Its irises are dark blue with yellow sclerae, and there are two yellow dots of "eyelash" markings extending from the eyes.

"Papa?" Reborn wondered.

"About that...Yuki found her egg on the side of the ocean, Yuki took care of her but her egg hatched while Yuki was taking a break here and she saw as her parents because we are the first thing she saw when she hatched." Tsuna explained, gently rocking Manaphy in his arms.

"She is excited to meet you yesterday that she slept the whole day." Yuki said, remembering how Manaphy jumping everywhere like a over candy dose child. She goes back to training after that.

Some of pokemon parried one-on-one, some help others improve their moves and the hatchling watch them on sidelines.

"So that's how you take care of the three children." Reborn said recalling every moment where Tsuna fussing over Fuuta and the two small children to the point that they accidentally called him 'Papa'.

"Ehehe...guilty as charged." Tsuna sheepishly smiled as he know what Reborn is impliying.

~Timeskip by Author-san who didn't know how to write a training menu~

Yuki and her pokemon finished when it was already near afternoon. They got back home hungry for Nana's delicious food. Yuki showered before the sweats dried on her body.

"Hey, Tsu-chi can we go to the Zoo with Manaphy?" Yuki asked wanting to have a time together. She already wearing a white blouse, long black skirt that reach below her knee, and black doll shoes.

(A/N : Just make her black blouse white and remove the black long socks.)

"Eh...Sure. Let me go to have a shower and change."Tsuna agreed once Reborn confirmed that he had nothing to do today. But what he didn't know is that Reborn texted his guardians and the other allies that they're going to stalk their 'date'.

Yuki left enough plenty of food for her pokémons to eat the whole day as she didn't know how long they will be outside.

Yuki with Manaphy are waiting for Tsuna outside the gate. Tsuna emerges wearing a white dress shirt, black tie, black pants along with black shoes of course.

(A/N :Just remove the black blazer and add him in hyper mode without fire on his forehead.)

"Papa, look great!" Manaphy cheered in a incomplete sentence one she saw Tsuna's figure.

"You know, we look like goes somewhere else other than the Zoo." Yuki said sweat dropping at the fact that they look like going to a high class restaurant.

"Well, Reborn said 'A mafia boss always needs to be presentable when going out on public.'" Tsuna did his best mimicking Reborn's voice that sent Yuki laughing.

"So where are we going first?" Yuki asked Tsuna who is walking beside him, holding her right hand while her left hand is occupied by Manaphy.


"We can go to Zoo, to the park if there still some time left then to the restaurant." Tsuna said.

To anyone's point of view, they look like a married couple that has a pokemon as a daughter. A silver haired beauty that look like a goddess, a good looking brunette that has a smile of a bright sun and a blue cute creature as their child. To their stalker's view they really looked like a happy family.

Welp, that's cut for now.