
The gears turned in the clockwork city people chatting happily the machines assisting their creators, as ray looked out this from the window he heard the chatter of others on the plane he saw the city getting closer he heard a squawk he looked over to his mechanical owl Florence making a beeping sound.

he pressed down on his head to confirms the call "ray my little sunshine are you close to reaching abaton?" I am father ill be there in a few hours that's great son I cant wait to see you again he said with a happy tone," yeah me too".

As a scream was heard over the phone dad "what was that I don't know let me check" as the sound of phone was heard being put down, he looked at Florence with a questing look listening in Ilana what happened papa it hurts, as he listened he heard a roar that didn't sound human the sound of metal was heard scratching against flesh ahh! papa run no I can't leave you Ilana the sound of metal ripping something was heard.

As he heard his father scream in agony everything went quiet on the plane as everyone looked at ray with a confused look some with horror, as ray looked at Florence terrified, a few people spoken up whats that they pointed out the window as a tower was seen torn from its hinges by a metallic arm as they pointed at something in the city the rest passengers looked horrified of what they saw.

Ray looked down in horror Florence cancel call ray ordered as Florence did he looked at ray confused another ring came from Florence as he tapped his head to see what it was it was a warning blares "all passengers do not come to the city do not come city coroutine active".

As it said this a male spoke up from the crowd he what do you know as everyone looked at ray confused and sad "I don't know what you mean I'm just like clueless to what's going on" "bullshit! that machine of yours is handcrafted from the hunadense royal family" "I think your mistaken sir" as ray still looked down terrified what he heard.

A woman walked up to the men and put her arm on his shoulder Thomas don't cause the poor boy more heartache "shut it, Linda!", "he could be working for that scum of that royal family you heard that voice that was definitely the head of it" Thomas he lost his family you cant put the blame on him for what happening!.

As they bicker back and forth the sound of something was fired was heard they felt the impact as they turned to look the ship started to turn and shake as someone was looking out of the window they notice one of the turbines was missing he had a shocked expression as he did the ship started plumb it down to the city.

the pilot started to speak on the intercom everyone fastens your seatbelts going in for an emergency landing as the pilot turned the ship to the right avoiding hitting a building the ship crashed deep into a cavern causing people to pass out from the impact, the ship was hanging from the tail crushed deep into gears of the mechanical floating city.

4 hours later

ray opened his eyes looking around seeing himself hanging from his chair by his seatbelt upside down as he looks around he sees a few people awake they look at him whispered help as he called Florence he flew over to him Florence form 4 ray ordered.

Florence owl shape became big as an eagle and looked like one as well as ray pointed to the rope in pilots' room Florence flew to it then started pulling it all the way back to ray as he unbuckled his seatbelt about to fall but he grabbed on to the rope.

he looked to the remaining passengers a woman with a daughter 2 men and one mechanical pet dog he climbed up he ordered Florence to help them up, one by one they were helped out of the ship thank you the women said and so did the others.

as he looked back he saw plants growing rapidly on the ship crushing it tightly,y, as they looked shocked what's going on the man, said scared I don't know ray said turning to the sky but we will survive.