a familer reunion

ray pov

The tunnel shook causing the train to jump a bit, " what was that" ray asked Miranda "I'm not sure maybe there another infected doing that I thought any earthquakes can happen to flying fortress "she said if there is it must be huge," yeah" you know we got here to easily this doesn't feel right "your right it doesn't it's too silent and the air around us it's getting thicker".

"How so" it seems the scanner is picking up a shift into the air and dots are popping up around us on the map it's targeting something like particles in the air that are related to the infestation,".

"It can't be it's from that mans journal "really now" yeah you're talking about the journal we found one in of infested" yes", ray quickly pulled out the journal labeled infestation classes from his bag he opens it quickly to page 5

Corgantis class hive danger level critical as ray put the diary near Miranda he started to read out loud "the corgantis is hive structure that spreads the infection it is one of the hearts to the monster called adam,.

The corgantis creates infested from many materials it devours in different shapes and forms it's unable to move, the flesh it spreads whatever it touched causes it to remember its scent this is the standard form of the corgantis.

the air-born form is in the air which it inhabits at a molecular level they are alive in and in one hive mind caution if breath in the air that this hive creates you will slowly convert into one of the infested ".

"I see" don't worry I made some barriers in case something like this happened" that's surprising did you know we run into something like this" nope just made incase if the infected can be humanoid form then shouldn't it be able to be in air form," yeah makes kinda sense yes it those that's why I made it incase is its true,

As she pulls out a needle she stabs her self with it in the vain on her arm pressing down sending antibiotics into her, as it happens a barrier forms around her "you know that pretty neet, yes I know im a genius after all now get the others so I can give it to you and them"

"ok" he replies he walked to the door and it opens and then he walked out of the room he starts to go find the others, he looked around in the weaponry room and found tory with his robotic companion.

"Hey, kid your mother made something to protect us when we get off the train she wants you to go to her" tory nods, he runs off to his mother Ronny follows ray quickly turned around and went to the front of the train to find rob and tanner

the door opens and he walks as he those they both look at his direction "its almost time" yeah it is" Miranda has created a barrier for us when we leave the train to protect us".

"why do we need a barrier" tanner questioned ray sighed "were close to one of the hearts of the monster called adam that started this,".

"I thought we came here to find something "rob tilted his head in confusion "we did but it seems like there's a hive here and the air it creates can make you become one of the infected so a change of plans," you got to be kidding me " I'm not meet Miranda in the engine room".

"she will give the barrier device it will be sent into your body by a needle" they nodded" we understand will go to her imminently" as they left ray alone in the room he felt something touching him he quickly turned to see who it is.

He saw a something with a deer skull with hollow eyes glowing blue its body with brown fur its wooden and fleshy body its spine exposed and its long spikey tail moving side to side it looked ray in his eyes knees.

brothe- hom- broth- it said in its broken but sad voice it hugged his leg "what th- before he could call for help it stretched its arm to him it flesh quickly cover his mouth making his cries unheard "pleas- don- I'- not threa-" he looked at her questing to belive her "wil-l sto- screamin-? he nodded as he did its flesh retracted he wiped his mouth and moved back a little.

"what are you who are you" ilan- remembe- m- brothe- as it's blue looked down its body shook, "pap- and mam- di- thi- don- go forwar- the - do sam- t- yo-rui- onl- awai-" as it held onto my hand and looked me into my eyes "Ilana," he said horrified she nodded as his horror vanished to sadness i"s this what they did to you" ye- hur- ver- muc- happy whe- yo- calle- hom-".

"experimen- wa- I- an- Issa-," as she coughed a blue crystal liquid started to drip out of her mouth on to the floor ray patted her on the back" you ok"... she shook her head "hur! hur-" t- muc- t- spea- "shhh it will be ok he said silently," wan- t- sta- wit- yo-"

As ray looked away I don't know please- she said a little louder it's speech clearer "I want to stay with big brother your home to me" as she started to cry blue bright tears.

She hugged his leg as ray sighed he knew he couldn't leave her, "ok you can stay but I will have to talk to the others about this" as he wiped her teats she nodded "remember I will save you one day and Issac so please keep living and not push yourself too much," he petted her then he moved past her and left the room walking back to the engine room.

as he reached the door he opened it all their eyes went to him when they did he looked away "are you ok ray? "yeah im fine I have to show you something you might be shocked or might hate me" why would we hate you" just follow me..". as they did he walked back to the room Ilana was in he opened the door she jumps onto him hugging him

bi- brothe- bac- "what the what is that!?" tanner shouted pointing his gun her way as he those ray moves his arm to cover her" put the gun down "why are you protecting that thing!" I said down" he said with more dominance tanner lowered his gun his body shaking in fear, the room was silent Miranda walked forward and inspected Ilana turned and looked at her intrigued by Miranda.

"she looks normal in a way if you take away the infested gem covering most pf her body and the wood as well even the deer skull that's her head hmm" as Miranda inspected her more liana spoke up wha- ar- yo- doin-.

She tilted her head in confusion at her Miranda laughed "how cute" Miranda chuckled tanner spoke up once again "ray what is that thing he said quietly "my sister well it is what's left of her at least of her original body".