one step and dance into hell

Ray pov

The truck stopped ray felt something touching him he opened his eyes and saw jack "were back at base" he asked tired" yes we are" jack said "ok" ray looked out of the window and saw a base instead of a train Miranda then ran out to them the door opened and ray got out.

Ronny changed his form back to normal "hey guys got any resources to repair the train" ray nods then hands her the supplies she looks at them and nods "this should be enough to repair it a bit we gonna need a little more tho but now lets rest" ray nodded ok he whispered out he felt a chill go down his spine.

He looked around but saw no one but Miranda and Jack and him "you ok?" Miranda said worried yeah she shook her head" if you say so" she turned around and returned to the where the train was ray and jack followed once they got past the trees they saw there was no train there was a base like structure that went into the trees.

A barrier covering it glowed slightly around it they walk up to it and it opened they walked to the base ray looks shocked as he looks around I didn't think her project would go this far" it seems so" jack said unimpressed "your not shock at what we're seeing he shook his head no I once a person that could do this".

"Really yeah he shrugs but there gone now" oh ray said he rubbed his eyes his body shook he felt jack hand in his "we should go to bed" ray nodded jack pulled ray along with into the base he stopped at a room with a wooden door that looked dark red he opened the door then leaded ray to the bed.

As they both sat down on the bed ray could feel the tension in the air jack sighs "I wanna know what did you see when you were going to those supplies that creature is it like your sister it seems to be still bothering you" Jack questioned ray body shook he breathing got uneven.

Jack put his head to his chest and rubbed his back he whispered kind words into his ear rays breathing went back to normal slowly "I… was looking around as you said when I left you and went I felt and heard it watching me" he said in a broken voice "my grandfather voice he was dead way before this outbreak happened".

"I just turned and saw it there with a smile on his face his body moving constantly his voice chilling the sounds of his bones were cracking as well his skin was constantly decaying regrowing it was sick I don't know he looked like he was between life and death"

" He kept repeating my name over and over and his voice was getting darker each time he moved forward closer to me. The room was rusting where he walked. The walls were bending the shadows of the facility and had eyes were watching me. It was like it was a nightmare.

"What do you mean," Jack asked puzzled by rays explanation you said it was like he was between life and death" yes" ray whispered jack started to think" my guns chrontome energy at least bought some time and was able to affect him "yeah it affected him little tho it just enraged him "yeah I know but if I can increase I might be able to rewind enough by us enough time or even kill him".

Ray moved off jack chest and looked down "you know when I was running with you with the supplies I could hear his voice well 2 of them ones was the grandfather I knew the other was a monster of some sorts I could feel him there could see him" explain " I heard his pleading voice to run and another voice telling him to shut up".

"When I looked at him when he had that crooked smile I saw something "what did you see" "I saw a black abyss he was chained to a coffin he was chained there being cut open with each scream came a dark chuckle I couldn't see who was there that time but I could feel something else was there".

"It got clearer each time he was closer when he was in front of the gate when we were escaping the facility when jaw open wide I saw it then its body was boney like it has eaten in days it had no eyes but there were teeth of blood it had bugs giant and small crawling its skin and inside of it it was littered with holes"

"I saw a symbol like a mirror on its with eyes on it covering it back it litter in chains around arms some them were connected, My grandfather when it was about to be rewound it looked to me with a look of happiness blood pooling out it eyes seeping on to that burning floor then once he vanished there nothing".

"I could still feel its presence even from here coming from the east but it's not that strong even when as chasing us I feel something holding it back from going further then it should" as ray finishes jack hugs him close he closes his eyes and enjoys the moment jack sighs he chuckles" I guess you and that girl related both of you have supernatural abilities but let's change the subject for now and rest"

Jack gently lifts rays head up and kisses him lovingly ray hugs him and jack those as well "we should get some sleep after all you gonna be introduce to the others correctly" yeah" jack responded his arm went around rays waist and pulled him closer to jack he could hear his heartbeat they rested there heads on the pillow and slept the night away.

Like a violent storm that always destroys and like calm one which gives hope to those who see it if this is the true route then what are others so many tales uneven ends yet so many happy ones with one began the world and with the another the end when the time comes when you lose everything, I will be there enjoying the moment an unknown voice said.

The sound pages turning was heard then it was got quiet the moon shined above looking down on all the answer to the question unable to be realized like a fish we do swim but as a story was where do we stand and create own path...