The slamander

Iliana pov

She looked around the broken smithery her steps were silent the area was brimming with chronetome energy, The ash rewind back to the greenish grass then fast forward back to ash she watched as it did. This place was stuck in a perpetual loop yet she felt something here something familiar she shook her head and summoned her staff and she tapped the floor it shook under her and roots of gears broke out of the surface.

The gears turned on the roots as it forcefully ripped open a way deeper into the smithery, Stairs of wood was made, As it finished The sound of a bell could be heard in the hive mind She could hear 3 feminine voices getting louder she could feel them getting closure to her location she quickly jumped down the stairs while she did she tapped the side of mechanical walls causing the roots to back into the ground covering up the hole like it was never there.

As she reached the bottom The smell of smoke was potent in the air, She spun her staff around quickly causing the air to be clean, The infested plant life was growing from cracks of stone and out of the walls with the red crystals at the tip of the plant her eyes focused on the plants, She sat down and started to close her eyes and meditate, She focused on the hive mine.

She knows that being hunted and she knows who it is yet she doesn't feel fear facing them once more the plant life grew as her aura changed to yellow the crystals brimmed to life, The vines latched onto golem parts weapons and armor, The plants dug deep into its broken core devouring it and changing, A bright light glowed from crystals as they fully changed.

The golem's body formed its height reached past the ceiling of smithery its arms and legs talons of metal with multiple railguns stuck in its back and on its arms armor of red crystal-covered its body, It made a growing noise as it opened its eye, A private hive mind between them, It looked down at her with murderous intent, "Is it you who made me" he said in there hive mind.

"yes," She said clearly "do you want the destruction of your enemies" I do" it nodded "I understand what is your orders" she sent a visual image of the targets chasing her "destroy them leave nothing behind don't let them escape either," The golem made a sound similar to purring in joy of his master words, She quickly ran past him and started to look for the parts of Florence and Ragnarok.

The ground shook with a mighty force as something dove down "Navar damn it" she thought, She opened up her link to the golem, "Be careful navar has intangibility to her but it only lasts for 10 seconds so attack carefully" I understand " it responded she quickly scanned the area and spots a white a gate forming above a big open room it opened dropping the bodies of the Ragnarocks and Florence she could smell the stench of death and despair from them.

Something else was there with there corpses she could feel it she tapped the floor with her staff thorny gear like rings formed next to her she picked one up and threw into the room, As she did something jumped out of there bodies, They had shadow-like bodies and faceless looks, The gear of thorns hit the wall behind them stuck to it the shadows like beings ran to her, She makes a snapping sound with her fingers, The thorns launched off the gear into the shadowy monsters them destroying them.

Their bodies melted away, she looked at the body of Florence and ragnorocks she started to walk there bodies until she felt something moving to her location and the feeling of walls shaking she closed her eyes and felt through the air and ground, she could see the golem fighting navar she could see the damage, Half of navar stomach was gone her face burned badly the golem armor was scratched.

She could she was struggling in the fight, The temperature of the area of the room started to heat up as well she saw eres entering the smithery from the underground mine with her was infested and glacier heading to the location from an old gate, Ilana got into her stance and started to do chant "break this cog in a panic reverse whats was wrong then break once more" as her words echoed around the room and into the halls.

The machinery in the whole smithery and the technology surrounding it was going out of control as it turned into vemura anigmiya a moss-like plant, Ilana aura covered the tech and bodies of metallic skeletons formed with greenish flesh swords guns, And other humanoid weapons were made, As they being finished being made there eyes opened showing dark purple they moved forward attacking eres group and glacier.

The moss of vemura anigmiya moved closer to Ilana she petted it and it made a sound similar to rain falling and jumped up and down in happiness, Ilana sat down and waited for each of their deaths, the walls shook with great force cracking, as the railguns blasts right through them even destroying most of navar spine in the process making her lose her bottom body, She let a growl of annoyance And tried to reattach her body but failed.

All the railguns melted all of her away leaving just a skeleton but she did he did not give up her skeleton eyes glowed gray and instantly her flesh regrew and legs she stood once more with her at scythe at her side, She leaped right back at the golem who looked down at her with intense rage it backhanded her but she went through his hand and cut deep into the arm as she did she landed behind the golem.

the golem's arm fell off from the impact of navar attack, it let roar rage when it did it shook the whole underground Ilana smirked, The golems roar stunned navar causing her eardrums to burst the golems other arm flickered yellow to red, red electricity flickered off it then turned quickly and punched her deep into the wall and kept repeatedly hitting her with it, As it did navar let out a screech of pain it's red electricity melted her body and soul with each hit, It burned through the wall and gears supercharging the area's tech.

The battle just began Ilana knew that and she wanted to see it end with a bang, She had a cruel smile on her face her eyes were dark purple just like the minions she made, She chuckled "my big brother will get his happy ending I've seen to many bad ones this loop will be the final one even I have to sell my soul for it so be it I don't care whats happens to me as long as he lives."

"A storm was born and so was a witch" who is really at wrong here in this twisted world without a true ending? So many lies and so many truths yet they will never till the end A voice with amusement in its tone said.