who is Max the assassin?

Maxwell Altham is supposed to celebrate his birthday tomorrow and maybe in another timeline or parallel world he might be, but not here nor soon.

he used to be a normal random guy with a beautiful fiancee and a great job in a huge company. he had everything that he could ever had ask to the world, he also worked so hard to achieve that dream so if he had everything why is he now on jail waiting for his execution?

well the only thing that can be said about his unpredictable downfall is that he was back-stabbed by the guy he called his best friend. about his fiancee, she was nothing more than a piece on a chess board that his friend moved in his game to take him out of his way. to take everything from him.

the only crime that Max ever committed was to be too naive to believe that she ever loved him or that his friend was actually a friend but now is too late to change the past. everything that happened is now in the past, and the only thing that Max can do now is count the days for his execution and cursed the bastards who betray him or the cowards, who left him behind or forgot him once he was no longer needed.

now in his solitude he can only dream about escaping from this jail and plot his revenge against those who wronged him, but sadly his future is shorter than what he ever expected. he is not going to have that wedding in the beach that he always dreamed about nor there will be anyone who could keep his lineage.

sometimes he is attacked by other inmates. at first he couldn't do a thing because he only trained for a bit in martial arts for fun when he was younger, but excluding that. he wasn't exactly the type of person to do much exercise nor try self defense classes, because he used to think that those kind of things didn't matter.

it was until he was closer to hell, hopeless, all alone, and beaten up in a strange place that he never thought he would ever be in. it was then that he saw his mistake from the past. is now that he has realized that he committed a mistake for not training his body.

if anyone is still curious to know how is that he ended up in this hell hole, he was accused of the murder of some coworkers that he didn't know. the worst part is that his fiancee was a fake witness. to add more salt on the wound she left the murder weapon on his house the last night that they had sex. even worst is the fact that he is still thinking about that night even after all this years.

that night she didn't only left the murder weapon, she also left other fake evidence on his home. the last words she told him were "sorry, let's break up. don't take it too personal, it is just that I never felt as please on your arms as I felt on Jason's bed."

later on that same month without an opportunity to defend himself he was sentence to death.

he has being behind bars for the past four years. the only person who cares to know the truth is a journalist who has lost hope, after many threats. also his lawyer who can't find the way to avoid his execution, and every day that passes he becomes more into the monster that they wanted him to be.

he never committed a crime in his life before, but here in this hell he has already killed a few inmates, he has help a gang in many illegal things. he keeps turning into a monster, but at the end of the day he is always alone in pain and crying in anger wishing for a day of freedom to slaughter the bastards who betrayed him.

the time in jail is different than in the outside in here is slow sometimes and then fast another times. not so long ago he heard another inmate talking about an escape plan and Max asked him if he could help but sadly the escape is going to be the day after his execution.

so Max asked him for only one thing in exchange for his help. the only thing that he asked for was to kill those who betrayed him, he gave to that inmate all the information about how they look and where they live and even their routines.

he knew everything about them because he has been using his lawyer to follow them and he has all the information of them about everything they do.

just yesterday his lawyer told him almost crying "I can't keep doing this. I know that you are innocent, but what can I do? they payed to or killed all the people who can be a witness to your innocence. they send someone to tell me that if I don't give up..... I am going to end on some field on pieces."

Max didn't told him anything. what can you tell to someone who can't do anything and that you know that is doing everything possible to help you.

not so long ago Max gave up on the idea of living. he gave up on the possibility of freedom, the freedom that only those who have never been on prison don't appreciate nor understand. it is until you are on the cage that freedom is beautiful and you start to appreciate what you no longer own.

but not everything is ugly. at the beginning when Maxwell was afraid of not lasting more than one year, he found an old man who offered his help. it was under the guide of the old man that Max was able to train on prison and he became strong enough to survived on the cage of rabid beasts.

if there is someone who Max owns his life to, that person is the old man who helped him to survived on the wild world that is prison.

not every prison is dangerous, but Max was send to one of the most dangerous prisons on the country because he was accused of been a dangerous murderer.

Maxwell was send to a prison that is home to some seriously dangerous men. in that prison are some serial killers, gangsters, Hitmen, war criminals, martial arts masters that used their knowledge to commit crimes. there are all kinds of criminals of course the sex offenders and the weak are the first ones to be eaten alive by the others.

Maxwell was one of the weakest of all. he was lucky to survived because of two things; 1st, the old man who helped him and 2nd, there was a sex offender who entered on prison at the same time.

the days kept running and the day before his execution a strange man appears in front of him. this strange man was wearing black clothing, he had some leather boots, a cape and a coat. he had some sort of military badge. he had a hat of the kind that the magicians use. he had a red tie and some red lenses.

he said his name is Logan Cromwell and he asked Maxwell if he wanted to escape from jail. Max at first laugh unable to believe those beautiful words of hope and freedom. who can this man be to offer something so beautiful and tempting.

Max even asked himself if this man in front of him was the snake offering him the apple, the same apple that Adam ate. he felt temptation to think about an apple as delicious as freedom with no care for the price for such delicious apple.

when Max was a kid he used to asked himself on his biblical lecture "why would Adam will take the apple when he already owns the paradise."

now that Max is in the earthy interpretation of hell, it is now that he can see why as he remembers those days of his childhood. is obvious that he isn't Adam, to be honest if he could compare himself to someone it was to be, the King Midas or the guy who was asked to kill his own son.

of course Maxwell situation is more complicated and more realistic than those cases. jet he keeps thinking that he is in front of a snake offering a gorgeous apple.

Logan shows a contract to Maxwell. after a moment of silence Max takes the contract as he starts to read it. there was something written about going to another world, something that seemed to be unreal for him, but if he was actually going to be free.

there was no more than two choices. he can stay and be executed for a crime that he didn't commit like many innocent souls that are executed destroying their reputation and the lives of their families, or he can trust in this man, trust enough to follow him far from this hellhole.

"may I know what will happen once I sign this Mr. Cromwell?"

asked Max with fear in his voice.

Logan laughs in a mocking tone. Logan Cromwell knows so well that Maxwell doesn't have a choice. he is basically been force to sign a dangerous contract in exchange of the freedom he deserves.

"don't worry mister Maxwell Altham once you are free you are going to enjoy many new kind of experiences in a wonderful world that you had never ever seen before but first once you are free you had to do a few jobs to pay for my help saving you. by the way happy birthday sir."

said Logan with a creepy smile.

Max asked a bit skeptic if this is a trap or anything illegal and Logan whispers in Max's ear that only enjoyment is in there for him if he accept the terms of the contract. after thinking about it for a few seconds Max accepts and he takes the risk by signing the contract.

and once he gave him the contract back Logan laughs like a maniac and then he snaps his fingers. Max sees in front of him some sort of black hole just in a red color and he asked if he has to jump at the same time that Logan pushes him inside.

Max closes his eyes and when he opens them he is in a valley in a beautiful pink color then he turn and he looks at Logan who is in a horse and he looks at Max with a smile he gets off the horse and he walks towards Max.

"Sir Maxwell you missed the fun part, the moment you closed your eyes and that is one of those once in a life time things now tell me dear what you think about freedom."

said Logan while he looks at Max's eyes.

"this is the best shit that has ever happened to me in the last four years, I must confess Mr. Cromwell and this is all thanks to you."

said Max trying to contain the tears of emotion.

"well like I always say nothing is for free in any world, so back to our agreement your freedom in exchange of your service. all I want is for you to work for me as an assassin for a year to pay me back."

"tell me who I need to kill and it will be done pronto sir."

"why is there no shock of being drag to another world? no fear to kill to pay me back? no hostility towards me? not even questions?"

"excuse me, but to be honest four years ago I would had being all of those things that you wanted to see, but after being in jail for so long I am an animal now. and if I had to kill for only one year in the outside, unlike in jail where I was in a cage where I had to kill for years. so yes this is paradise for me and I had nothing to loss, at least not anymore so you wanted questions here is one questions for you, who I had to kill?"

"well Maxwell I like you, you are bold. your job is to kill the king of this reign in which we are walking right now, and if you are curious to know he is a bad guy, he is indeed a tyrant who needs to be put down like a dog."

"I don't care if he is good or bad a job is a job and tell me how he looks like and of course I will need weapons to do my job."

"no Maxwell you are not working alone let me take you to your partners in crime, you get it I said 'partners in crime' I am so fun, yeah whatever back to the point follow me and I will show you your team and not only that but also the plan and the weapons and everything that you need, no need to worry and follow me before someone comes."

"wait can you give me just a moment to appreciate the beauty of this world."

"yes, there is no problem after all I waited for so long to have you in here."

"is there any reason why I could be so important for you."

"well there was someone important from my world who teach you how to defend yourself, let's say that he was a legend in my world so now you can be also a legend if you are working with the right people."

for a moment both of them are in silence. Max is on his knees looking at the beautiful and bright valley, he touches the flowers with a bright smile, he looks back to Logan.

"can you see this, oh lord is so beautiful like nothing I had seen before."

"yes indeed, it is a beautiful place in here. this is the world in which you belong and not that iron box in which you were stuck."

Max keeps looking at the flowers full of joy, some tears fall from his eyes and he looks at the light blue sky which is brighter than ever. he has never seen a sky so bright like it is now.

"please tell me that I would have time to see this everyday since now till the last of my days."

"yes, all you need to do now is kill monsters for a year and eventually one day you would be free to just stand in the valleys looking at the sky and the flowers."

"I had pray and I had beg to any god for mercy and no god has listen to my pleading until now, I feel so lucky to be in here with you."

said Max with teary eyes and a small smile.

"I think is time for you to meet your new teammates."

Max stands up and he looks at two horses. Logan rides one of the horse, and Max looks at the horse he has to ride. before getting on it he thinks about how much his life has change. he laughs at the idea of being an assassin in another world something he never thought could be possible and it is funny. he rides his horse and then he follows Logan.

this is how a new legend in this mysterious world slowly begins to born.