The next day, John went to school and had practice with the team. After this, he would record and stream with his friends, but suddenly his friends asked him something.

"Yo John, you gonna join that streamer event?"

"Huh? What streamer event?"

"Damn! You don't even know about the streamer event that's going on right now? It's even going on in Los Angeles!"

"Fuck! Don't expect me to be an all knowing god"

"Idiot, it's about teaming up with other streamers in a battle Royale game. I think the game was called PubG."

"Any hot chicks there?"

"Fuck yeah bro! But their too old for your little ass. What would you even fuck them with? That little 2 inch cock of yours? Can you go through puberty before acting like a playboy?"

"Fucker, how do you think I made your mom moan so loud with a 2 inch penis? It's at least as big of that extra large jumbo pack forehead of yours."

"Ha! Actually, there is a girl your age attending! She's only 14, your age, but she's already as curvy as an adult! She's also got a cute personality I heard. Hey, don't go and break her heart now! She's a naive kid!"

"Ha! I've never broken a heart before! If I broke up with a girl, it would be as soft and easy as possible!"

"Yeah right! Your ugly ass has probably just never had a girlfriend!"

"Fuck! Shut up! You look like a whale! If you had a girl you would crush her!"

"Ha! The streaming event is in a week, you should sign up!"

John thought if any important things would happen in a week, then did signup for the event. He also read the details, it would be a PubG game with 100 streamers. The pairing would be girl and boy, and the person who wins would be able to give $10,000 to a charity of their choice!

He downloaded PubG, and waited half an hour before joining the game. He went through a tutorial teaching him the basics, and then went into the practice range. He started testing his settings out, and after an hour he found his perfect settings.

He went into a solo game, and checked the map. The map was huge, and it had numerous names on it to which he assumed were hot spots. He decided to land in the most populated place, because he was playing this for practice which is Pochinki.

A few boring minutes later, his screen changed and he was in a plane. He dropped when he was above Pochinki, and dived down. He saw 13 people land with him, and he landed on a blue building and started sweeping the downstairs floor. He picked up a M4, some ammo, and a medkit. He went up the stairs and found a Kar98k, and a 8x.

He looted the houses near him, getting ammo, attachments, 2 grenades, level 2 body armor and a level 1 helmet. He then looked for kills, deciding his loot should be superior to most players.

He heard a few shots south, so he started running between the cover of the building, making sure if he's ever shot he'll get in cover in less than a second. He was scanning windows and houses constantly, before he made it to the shots. He took his Kar98k and went into a building. He waited for somebody to peak out, before he saw the tiniest sliver of a head peak out.

He aimed his Kar98k, and shot. Immediately after blood flowed, and he got a kill. When he shot, all attention was at him. Another guy even started shooting him, but by then he reloaded his Kar98k and shot again, headshotting him. John was very talented with snipers, and could be even better than pros in Call of Duty, and he found out he's also quite good with it in PubG. He decided to make only snipers his thing, and rock two Kar98k's.

When nobody else peaked him, he jumped out the window to find a new house. He started looking through the window of a red house, before suddenly shots could be heard west. He broke a window and jumped to the roof of a house. He started jumping roofs like some sort of vigilante, before making it to where the shots were.

He saw a death box, and a man looting it. He took aim, and fired.

3 kills.

He ran immediately and found another house to camp. He knew 10 other players would be here, and they should all be camping in houses. He took his M4 out and decided to rush the houses, because camping wasn't his play style. He ran house to house, while being close to cover, before he heard footsteps in a house in front of him.

He went inside and checked the stairs. He saw his gun hanging out, indicating he was there. He pulled a grenade, and to cover the sound said "BITCHHHHHHHH YOU BOUTAAAAAA DIEEEEE!!!!!!"

When he decided it would explode soon threw it up the stairs. When the man camping saw him peak, he turned to fire but when he saw the grenade knew he had been tricked. He tried to run, but it was too late. The grenade took his health to red, and John rushed up the stairs. The man had a vector, but John just hipfired him while crouched, killing the man.

4 kills.

He wiped out the entire pochinki, and decided he would try to go for 20 kills. He got in a Jeep and drove to the hotspots to see if anybody was near. He drove for around 10 minutes before somebody started shooting at him. The man was behind a rock, using a SKS. He switched seats, pulled his Kar98k out, and aimed right onto the mans head. He pulled the trigger, and the mans head exploded.

14 kills.

He decided to drive between trees and rocks, just in case he ever needs to hop out. He was driving when all of a sudden he was getting shot in the back by an AKM. He slowed the car down, and hopped out and took cover behind a rock.

He looked for a few seconds before spotting a man in a ghillie suit hiding in the grass. He took the Kar98k out, z.zand tried to aim onto the mans head, but the man had surprisingly fast reactions and shot him before he could aim to him. He thought of what to do, before he jumped in the car, changed seats, jump back out, jumped back in, changed seats, and jumped out. By now the man should be aiming at the opposite side of the Jeep, giving him time to aim in.

He took aim, and right when the man took a shot John fired his Kar98k sending a bullet through his head.

15 kills.

By now, he was in the second to last circle with 35 people remaining, and it was quickly dwindling. He decided to stay on the outer edges to snipe people who dare peak their head out in his presence. He was behind a hay bale, surveying his surroundings when he heard footsteps behind him in the radiation.

He jumped and turned around while switching to his M4. He found the guy and sprayed him without hesitation, making him his 16th kill.

His M4 had a suppressor, so people wouldn't be able to see it on the mini map but they could hear the general direction with their head phones. Many turned their heads to his direction, looking for any movements.

John knew he wasn't in the matrix and couldn't dodge, so he decided to stay prone in the grass and look for people looking in his direction. He saw a muzzle flash behind a tree, but because of that he couldn't accurately see the mans head, and chose not to possibly expose his location with the bullet trail for no reason.

Suddenly, the circle was closing in, and 5 people were remaining, not including him. For the 20 kills, he needs to kill 5 of them. Suddenly, he saw a sniper flash, but not posting at him. He saw the man with his back turned to him. He took his Kar98k, aimed, and shot him through the dome.

17 kills

There were four remaining spots. The guy who was aiming was aiming at a rock, so one of them must be there. The only cover is a single tree, behind a hill, and the grass. I'm in the grass, and I don't see anybody near me, so they must be behind the rock, behind the hill, and one behind the tree.

But this left one person still alive. Could somebody actually be in his grass? He looked around slowly, when suddenly behind a hill were two people fighting. One died, and now he has to kill the last three. He grenaded the tree and the rock, and they both hit but only one killed. He ran to the rock with an M4 out, and prefired. The man had a shotgun, and shot, and John saw his life flash behind his eyes, but the shot missed, and his M4 killed him.

19 kills.

The last guy just finished a fight behind the hill and we both know where eachother are. The zone would decide who won, but sadly, it went to the enemies side, giving him a defensive advantage. John three a smoke into the grass, a frag at the hill, and sprinted for the grass. But then he saw a head peaking out, and a M24 aimed right at him. It's likely he will die from this shot, so he pulled his Kar98k out and aimed.

It seemed the entire worlds time stopped, and the enemy was on the far left side of Johns scope. It seems he wouldn't be able to adjust fast enough, but he decided to try a flick shot. He dragged his mouse quickly, and suddenly the scope was on the enemies head.


Two shots fired, and both hit. Blood flowed from both players.


BigDickJohn wins!

20 kill game!)

He was actually full health. You see, when a person dies there's a period of time where the bullets won't do damage. If he flicked any slower, he would have died.

He posted the video to his YouTube, and explained that he's attending a streamer event. He's also never had a face cam, so he will be showing his face at the event. This is also the reason nobody has recognized him in real life.