Meeting the other two,and going to namek

After a round of training hail was on his way to the other two beings on the planet. He Did not go unnoticed by the other two on the planet especially since he was now flying towards them as hail was flying towards the two he could feel the gravity changing.

Just as hail was reaching the two there was a sudden increase in the gravity and once again he was brought down flat on his stomach "Damn it not this again" in the distance hail could hear laughing "need help?"

"Yeah" the two place a device on hail and he feels the gravity lift off of him "thanks" now that hail had a good look at the two he thought 'what are tuffles doing here' "what's a frost demon doing on this planet?"

"I came here to get stronger,same could be said about you two tuffles"

"Well we came here seeking refuge after the saiyans took our planet,by the way my names jubu and this is rola"

"Names hail,since you two have been on this planet longer then I have,could you help me train I have to get stronger then my father in this form, well it's a goal to accomplish" the form he was currently in was his minimal he then proceeded to transform into his final form of rather his base form in order to with stand the gravity, hail then proceeds to take off the device he was given.

Taking off the device hail was fine able to withstand the gravity seeing this he decided to go down into his second form while doing so he dropped to his knees but he slowly stood "well let's begin your training first we want you to follow us in your current form you aren't able to withstand the gravity so we will go to an area with lower gravity." But to their surprise hail could move around just fine in the current gravity.

"Ok then we will start here" hail then goes into his minimal form causing him to drop to the ground jubu walks up to him to put the gravity removal device on him but hail denies it and starts to slowly get up 'damn if I wasn't a frost demon would I have been able to do this?' The frost demons has very high potential and hail planed on exploiting his adaptive body unlike the other frost demons.

For the next five years he stays on this planet hail plans on making his way up to the highest level of gravity on the planet.

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It's now been two years since hail has Been on the planet and he's already got up to the second highest gravity level on the planet. Hail fears he will have no way to train in the next to years once he has conquered the last zone on the planet so he decided to have the tuffles build a gravity chamber that he can attach to the ship he's got floating in the orbit around the planet.

Since the two years of hail training on planet gravity (a/n gonna call it that) his power level has increased by a load it was now at 500 -million while in his repressed form he was at 4 million.

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Three years have passed and hail can be seen in a gravity chamber training at five hundred times gravity it has been one year since he conquered all the gravity zones in planet gravity it was now time for him to go back to planet frieza.

Hail has been training in the gravity chamber for some hours now and now he was getting ready to fly back. Not having much to pack he was saying goodbye to the two tuffles and thanking them for helping him train after having a small chat with them he carried the gravity chamber out to space with him.

A few minutes pass and hail is now in space attaching the gravity chamber to his ship, about ten minutes of struggling hail finally figured out how to attach the gravity chamber to the ship, finally getting in to the ship hail set off towards planet frieza.

Now arriving at planet frieza hail could see soldiers lined up and bowing towards him, opening the hatch hail could see his father standing in front of the bowing soldiers "welcome back hail I've been wondering where you were, come we are getting ready to go off to a planet named namek"

"Ok" hail didn't bother letting frieza know he found a new form he didn't want goku and the others to die they were going to serve as a way for him to break through his limits "I hope you have been training to get your revenge on those saiyans,I'm sure they will be on namek" the soldiers were loading into ships while frieza and hail were getting on the commander's ship and flying off to namek.

"We have arrived on planet namek lord hail,lord frieza "