Namek 4

"Get ready vageta this battle is about to be one sided" seeing as vageta is still shocked hail takes this as a chance to attack first hail rushed at vageta and started beating on him bringing everyone out of their stupor.

"He hasn't even transformed yet" watching vageta get beat made piccolo sweat but he still turned to frieza to fight, frieza seeing this smirks "come" piccolo rushes at frieza and starts to clash with him eventually gaining the upper hand on frieza forcing him into his third form.

Transforming frieza gains a slight advantage over piccolo on piccolo in power but he was still losing due to piccolo's use martial arts.

Seeing's he was not going to win against piccolo frieza transforms into his final form and began fighting with piccolo.

Meanwhile hail was just chilling watching frieza fight piccolo and while he was not watching, dende heals vageta and he gets a boost of power about to attack hail,but he was stopped by dende "don't he will just beat you again"

"Listen to him vageta I haven't even transformed, so why don't you use that energy and fight my father instead,if you can't beat him you can't beat me" While saying this it was clear that vageta was angry herring hail so he rushed at him punches him In face but hail stands there unmoving.

Hail raised his hand and slapped vageta imbedding him into a nearby wall.

Gohan and krillin were watching piccolo fight frieza and got worried because piccolo was losing "we got to help piccolo!"

"Right behind you gohan" getting an answer from krillin gohan rushed toward frieza to support piccolo with krillin behind occasionally throwing destructo disk at frieza.

-time skip-

Some hours after fighting you can see that gohan and krillin were severely injured, piccolo barely hanging onto his life and frieza standing over vageta about to pierce his heart, but he was stopped by an unknown person that kicked him.

'So he has come' "goku!" "Dad!"

Seeing goku appear made frieza frown "another monkey,no matter you will end up like the others"

Freiza raised his hand and started shooting ki blast at goku causing him to deflect them.

After deflecting a few ki blast goku hit one to the ground causing a smoke screen and only seconds later the dust cleared showing goku perfectly fine surprising frieza. "Hahaha it's no use frieza kakarot is the legendary super saiyan" hearing this scared frieza a bit.

"If he's really a super saiyan then why don't he transform"

"What do you mean"

"What I mean is the saiyans can only be called a super saiyan when they achieve a transformation that turns their hair yellow"

"Heh seems he's no super saiyan after all"

Freiza then shot a blast at vageta killing him goku then goes and buried vageta.

After burying vageta goku rushes at frieza and clashed with him sending out ripples of air. Goku then kicks frieza into the air off to a nearby island and started clashing and sending blast at each other.

While goku and frieza were fighting dende came out from hiding and heals everyone. When piccolo got up he Immediately got in to a fighting stance "so you gonna kill us to" turning his head hail looks at piccolo and smirks. "No, besides not like you would win"

Even after hearing this piccolo did not let his guard down against hail. "Then who's side are you on"

"Hmm, neither really"

"Why do you help frieza then"

"He's my father,why wouldn't I help him eventually I will become the emperor of the universe or the god of destruction"

Ignoring any other questions hail turns his head towards the fight and he sees that they are destroying island and making lava surface.

Freiza seeing he was equal to goku with just two percent of his power decided to go up to fifty percent.

After charging up to fifty percent freiza began to beat goku for a bit pushing him to further his usage of kaio-ken which put the two on equal grounds once more.

Goku began damaging frieza a bit after fighting goku began to tire out so he resorted to using the spirit bomb.

"!it's the spirit bomb"

"Man it gets bigger every second"

"Frieza doesn't seem to be able to detect energy so why is it taking him so long to use it"

"It's because he thinks it's not big enough"

"Heh it does not matter how big that thing gets it won't earn him victory"

"What do you mean of course it will it's the strongest attack he's got"

"Krillin,gohan give me your hands" the two comply and piccolo starts draining energy from them after getting ki from them piccolo goes in to stall for goku.

Getting a kick from piccolo frieza was sent back in to the water but seconds later frieza came up and started charging a death ball but before he could throw it he got hit by the spirit bomb that goku finally finished.

Frieza turns around in a attempt to repel the attack but it proved futile and frieza was disintegrated with the bombs explosion.






Or so we thought!.