Subaru wants to die.

Subaru keeps on walking because it's for the plot for the viewers to understand the world he is in. but in here. No.

fuck that. You know Re:Zero and you know who Rem is so shut the fuck up.

Subaru just got a bath from the lake.

He thanks the lake, and now he smells less fish.

He's just chilling on this weird creepy alley way.

He looks up at the skies and told himself.

"I'm very lonely."

He heard some voices coming so he looks towards it.

One fat guy, one skinny stick and one that looks like a cupcake while also looks like he's a chipmunk if you think really deep about it.

Subaru is not really in the mood for obvious bad guys about to kill him or take his money.

So he just fucking grabbed a box and throws it on those stupid assholes.

Once the box broke and they are distracted Subaru punches that skinny guy in the balls real hard.


He then grabs the kids and smashes him to that fat guys face and he smashes the kid to the wall for like 5 times before finally throwing him at the fat guy.

He looks at the skinny guy and he approaches him.


"Oh, you're approaching me?"

Subaru kicks his balls again and he pushes him a little but that skinny guys have no more balls left he just falls and he just- he just fucking dies. I know.

Subaru went back to his place to think deeply into this.

Later a kid would come up and saw the bodies of three corpses.

She doesn't care, she had robbed corpses all the time as she went pass them, and now he's seeing this guy who is thinking really hard.


"Hi. You look strange."

Subaru notices this kid who looks to be a adventurer and also being some kind of stripper.


"I'm not a lolicon."

The kid tilts his head.

"The hell is a lolicon?"

Subaru looks at the girl and raises an eyebrow.

"What? I'm just curious. By the way, did you kill those guys? You know, the ones that are infront of you."



He answered.


The kid just shrugged as she runs to the wall and she does a wall jump up to the roof.

Subaru saw but he didn't care.


"Not a single emotion of shock?? I wall jumped!"

Subaru looks at the kid.

"I'm not surprised. I've seen a fish do a backflip"

"Ah wha-"

The kid just sighs and continues to run.