Chapter 39


Guys idk about you but im tired of the FuN FaCts

Soo I'm gonna think about starting another series :)

But anyways ENJOY

Sami P.O.V.

We met before, haven't we?

My eyes widened at the message.

So she did recognize me.

But then I realized I completely forgot about asking her,

Me: Do you want to eat lunch together?

Ashley: Sure

I opened the door and entered into a local vegan restaurant.

The waiter greeted and led me to a seat and I waited for Ashley to arrive.

Wtf am I supposed to say?

Were you that woman who ran out of the elevator when you saw Jai?

Oh yeah I was that woman awkwardly standing next to him.

Aghh I'm screwed.

The door opened and in she entered.

"Ashley!" I waved catching her attention. She smiled and walked my way.

Oh god why does she look so intimidating?

We both sat down and ordered our food.

I got a classic buddha bowl and Ashley a creamy tomato garlic soup and grilled cheese.

"So about my message,"

I stopped eating and looked up at her as she continued,

"I couldn't stop feeling that I've seen that I've seen you somewhere before."

Ok Sami, she asked the question.

Now think of something.

"U-um yeah, I thought that too."

Wonderful response Sami.

Now go jump off a bridge while you're at it.

Taking a deep breath I spoke again,

"I don't think you remember but a long time ago when you came out of an elevator and saw a guy named Jai,"

Ashley's eyes slowly widened.

I nodded, "There was a woman next to him."

"That woman was me."

Ashley looked down at her food, "How do you know Jai?"

"U-um he recently became a friend of mine.

"Wait, how do you know him?"

Ashley swirled her spoon through her soup, still not looking up at me as she responded,

"I'm his ex-girlfriend."

I was shocked.

She nodded, "Yeah."

I hesitantly spoke, "Do you mind me asking how?"

Ashley brought her head up and made eye contact with me,

"I broke up with him."

"Turns out I was in love with another man."

"But I didn't cheat on Jai."

"I was in love, while the other man wasn't then."

"It didn't feel right to be with Jai anymore ."

"He showed me so much love, and I felt guilty that I wasn't able to give it back to him."

"I care about him, and I always will."

"But I knew that if we stayed long enough together, our relationship would end on a bad note."

"And that would be because of me."

"I want to reach out to him and just tell him all of this."

"But I don't think either of us are ready to see each other yet."

I nodded, understanding.

"Jai deserves someone better."

"And I know that he will find that someone soon enough that will be by his side forever, unlike me."

A tiny smile slowly formed on my lips,

"I think he already did."

We finished eating lunch together and parted ways.

I sighed and sat down at my desk, "Well that was a lot at once. But she seems like a nice person. She actually wants Jai to find someone better." I rested my face on my palm and smiled, "Thankfully there is a person."

The rest of the day was pretty boring, like always.

Reading a bunch of documents, chatting with colleagues, and I even checked up on Ashley once in a while.

It was kind of awkward, but it was my job so, well.

I was exiting the elevator when I heard someone call my name.

I smiled turning around, expecting it to be Sidharth, but I was surprised by who it was.


She came up next to me, "How was your day?"

"Good, thanks for asking? How about you?"

She smiled, "It was a great first day."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Why is she so happy all of a sudden?

"You know, I got everything off of my chest at lunch. So, thank you for helping me bring it all out."

My lips stretched into a tiny smile, "You're welcome."

"Well hello there." I turned to my side to see a happy Sidharth. I smiled and greeted him.

He then shifted his eyes to Ashley, "Are you the new employee Sami was mentioning?"

She nodded, "Yes, I'm Ashley nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Sidharth."

We all walked together until we reached the parking lot. "Bye guys!!" I waved and they did the same. I entered my car and felt my phone buzz.

Ashley: Sidharth's your boyfriend isn't he

I gasped

Me: How did you know?

Ashley: I could tell by the way he looked at you 😉

Me: haha well you're the only one who knows now

Me: we've been trying to be subtle about it

Ashley: Don't worry ur secret is safe with me 😊

"Well, I guess I made a new friend today."

I was driving back home, having several thoughts come in and out of my head.

"How would Sahana react when she sees Ashley?"



"Won't give 2 shits?"

"Should I tell Jai that Ashley's working in my law firm?

"Wait but how would I do that? I don't even have his number."

"Should I ask Sahana for it?"

I reached my apartment building, took my phone out and texted Sahana.

Me: Hey do you have Jai's number?

Sahana: Yea why?

Me: Can I have it?

Sahana: Yea sure but why tho?

Me: I'll explain everything on Saturday

Sahana: Oki then here's the number 765-872-9495.

Me: tankuu

Sahana: no probss

I saved the contact and slid my phone back into a pocket as I headed up to my floor.

"I'll have it just in case."



Hi guyss

Hope yall liked this chapter

But anyways have a great day everyone :)

Love yall 💛