Chapter 41


Guys I think I got an idea for a new "series"

UnPoPuLaR OpInIoNs WiTh SaHaNa (not of mine just others)



Sahana P.O.V.


All the water sprayed out of my mouth and landed on the floor.


Monty came out of nowhere after he heard the sound. I ran to get a towel , and quickly wiped the floor.

But Monty always came in the way, rubbing next to me.

"Move Monty pleasssee." He didn't budge and sat down instead.

I sighed then slowly slid him away,

"Stay." I pointed at him.

Finally, the mess was cleaned up and hung the towel on a drying rack.

I wiped my nose.

"It's ok, that was just one sneeze it's ok."

Then I suddenly felt an itch in my throat and began to cough.

"Oh hell nah."

I sprinted to my bathroom and swung open my cabinet filled with medicines for every possible scenario you can think of.

I drank a tiny amount of cold & cough medicine and prayed again to God, this time hoping they will not play me again at the last minute.

I then heard several loud knocks on my door,

"Oh, they're here."

I walked and opened the door, revealing Sami and Cassia,

"WASSUP BITCH." Cassia smiled.

Woah it seems like she's feeling a lot better.

They entered in and immediately Monty came out of my room, running towards them. "MONTYY!!" they both screamed at the same time in excitement.

They don't admit it, but they're extremely jealous that I'm able to have a pet in the apartment, and they aren't able to in theirs, hehe.

They continued to play with him while I brought out snacks.



We settled in the living room, Cassia laying on the couch, with Sami and I sitting on the floor as we munched on some popcorn.

"So who's gonna begin." I asked.

Sami shot her hand up, "Ya'll aren't ready for mine."

Her statement only made Cassia and I more curious.

Cassia got off the couch and joined us on the floor before Sami began.

"Ok so basically yesterday a new employee joined our firm and boss told me to show her around, and I was like of course!"

We nodded as she continued,

"But then when I saw her, she seemed super familiar but I just couldn't pick it out. Everything about her seemed as if I'd seen her from somewhere before."

"So then, I showed her around the building."

"And when we took the elevator, I saw her come out,"

"and then I realized who she was."

We scooted more closer to Sami, "Who, who?"

Sami stayed silent for a couple of seconds, staring at us.

Then Cassia slapped her thigh, "AH JUST TELL US!!"

"OW," Sami yelled, "U BROKE THE SUSPENSE."

Cassia rolled her eyes, "Like I give 2 shits for your goddamn suspense."

I waved my hand towards Sami to bring her attention towards me and for her to stop shooting lasers out of her eyes towards Cassia.

"Who, who, who?" I asked.

Sami looked at me and released a big breath,

"Jai's ex-girlfriend."

I froze in shock and heard a huge gasp come out of Cassia.

"Jai's ex-girlfriend?" I asked.

Sami nodded in confirmation, "Remember a long time ago at Choco's I told you guys that I was waiting with Jai at the elevator and a woman appeared when it opened? Jai and her both stared at each other and stuff? Yeah, well that woman was Ashley, his ex-girlfriend."

I felt my eyes widen more and more as Sami got further into her story.

"But the thing is that, she's a really nice person. We had lunch together and she explained why she broke up with him," Sami scratched her head.

"Ashley felt as if Jai deserved someone better than her, in which that person could be with him for the rest of his life. Ashley knew that she wouldn't be able to return the same amount of love Jai gave her throughout their relationship. She knew that it would be because of her that their relationship would go downhill."

"Plus, she was in love with another man."


Sami and Cassia were taken aback by my reaction.

"Woah there Sahana, calm down." Cassia patted my back.

Then I heard Sami speak again, "No she didn't cheat on him. The man she was in love with, wasn't in love with her back when she was still dating Jai."

I slowly became calm again.

"Ashley has been wanting to tell this to Jai, and explain why she broke up with him. But she told me she isn't ready yet. And neither is Jai."

"But yeah, that's what happened. We're basically friends now."

I felt my blood begin to boil once again, "YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH HER??"

Sami had a confused expression on her face, "Yeah, why? Is that wrong?"


I got up onto my knees.

She shrugged,

"I don't care."

"If she uses me, it's only so she can be able to reach Jai easier and clear up all the misunderstandings."

"She wanted her breakup to end on a mutual note, but, unfortunately, it didn't." Sami said in a calm voice which brought me back down to sitting.

"Pfft, how would any relationship end MUTUALLY if one is told by their partner that they are IN LOVE with someone else?" Cassia spoke.

"That's implying that all the love and effort the person put into the relationship was all bullshit towards their partner for however long."

"Trust me I would know." she sighed shaking her head.

I hung my head down, "Why would someone do that to him? I'm sure all he did was show his undying love for Ashley."

"And for what?"

"Just so she can realize that she's in love with another man and breaks up with him."

"His heart must have been shattered to pieces after hearing that she doesn't love him anymore."

Sami grabbed my hand, "Hey, but at least she's trying now to redeem herself and end on good terms with Jai."

I nodded, understanding.

"Yes, it's good that she's trying to do this now,"

"but what if in the end, it hurts Jai even more?"

"Do you have a soft spot for Jai now or something?"

I quickly brought my head up and saw Cassia having a playful smirk on her face.

She then pointed at me,

"HEY! YOU'RE BLUSHINGG." She giggled.

I didn't even notice until Sami placed her hand on my cheek,


I quickly slapped her hand off, "S-STOP."

Sami and Cassia looked at each other smiling.

"ANYWAYS," Cassia spoke,

"Time for my story."



Is Sahana feelin a lil somethin somethin for Jai now??

Haha anyways hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter


Have a great day everyone

Love ya'll ❤