Chapter 55


¡Buen provecho! (Enjoy in Spanish)

Jai P.O.V. 7:30 p.m.

I don't even know how to describe the rollercoaster of emotions I'm going through right now.

Because I talked to the person who broke my heart in the past, I confessed to the woman I'm in love with now.

Turns out she felt the same way.

And we kissed.

I smiled to myself.

My heart still racing, at the feeling of her lips.

It's addicting to say the least.

I went back to my apartment, changing into my pajamas and entered back into Sahana's. Sadly, I couldn't stay the night because tomorrow we both have work.

Immediately, I was hit with delicious fumes of spices in the air. I inhaled and let out a breath in pleasure.

Hearing all the sizzling, I walked to the kitchen peaking my head to see Sahana working her magic.

She had her back facing and Disney music playing, so she didn't hear me enter.

I snickered to myself, as she danced while stirring something.

She used the spoon in her hands as a mic and sang her heart out.

She then turned the music down, because I could tell it hurt her own ears, playing it that loud.

The next song came.

So This is Love, Cinderella.

Nice one.

Sahana took a deep breath in, as if she was getting ready to perform in a concert.

I could faintly hear the song playing, but more of Sahana's voice.

She still faced away from me, so I tiptoed quietly next to the stove, as she went and stuck her head into the fridge to look for something.

I leaned onto a countertop, resting my chin on my hand as I smiled staring at her.

Chills ran through my body hearing her voice.

How the words sound so delicate, naturally flowing out of her.

Is there anything she can't do?

"So this is love, mmm."

"So this is love."

"So this is what makes life divine."

"I'm all aglow, mmm."

"And now I know,"

Sahana closed the fridge, treading on her tip toes and spun,

"The key to all heaven is mi-AHH!!"

She screamed putting a hand over her chest, "HOW LONG WERE YOU THERE FOR?!" I shrugged still admiring the sight, "Long enough for me to get reminded about why I fell in love with you. So not that long."

She had a bell pepper in her hands and threw it at me.

Thankfully I caught it right in front of my face.

"You literally gave me a heart attack Jai." She shook her head, trying to take the thought away.

I snuck up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and laid my chin on her neck, "Aw I'm sorry."

She didn't reply and kept on stirring her concoction.

I turned my head and kissed her cheek.

"Pfft do you really think that's not gonna do anything?" she spoke then suddenly set her spoon down, turning my face and placed her lips against mine.

She turned back, "Do that next time," and grabbed the bell pepper that was still in my hands,

"Go cut it. You know where the cutting board is." She smiled to herself.

My heart was jumping every which way.

I looked back at Sahana and could tell she still had a big smile on her face.

A giggle escaped me as I happily cut the pepper.

Dinner was officially ready. We sat on down and began eating.

"Now I can say this is my very own girlfriend's food." I grinned taking a bite of the eggplant parmesan Sahana made.

She laughed, "Yeah, go brag to everyone how good of a cook I am."

I stood up and leaned over pecking her on the lips.

I haven't seen Sahana beam so bright.

She slightly got up from her seat, and gave me another kiss before I sat back down and enjoyed the food.

Soon we finished and began doing all the dishes.

Our usual jobs were, Sahana washing them while I placed them in the dishwasher.

"So what was going on through your head this morning?"

"When I woke up to you spooning me, when I told you that you mumbled something about me, then suddenly started dragging me out of the house." Sahana asked still confused about it.

"Hmm well, last night technically I confessed to you while you were asleep," I chuckled, "And about this morning I kinda lied saying that I thought you were a pillow. I dreamed about you. And I guess all the actions and words spoke for itself." I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"But what did you mumble?" She handed me a dish.

"I love you."

She stopped mid-way giving me a plate, "Really?"

I nodded.

"Wow, you must've really fell for me then." She joked.

I grabbed the plate from her hands, quickly placing it in the dishwasher.

Before she could look at me, I slightly bent down, wrapping my hands around the back of her thighs, and picked her up.

She yelped in surprise, "Jai!"

I looked up at her slightly pouting, "Did you not fall for me as much as I fell for you?" I pulled a strand of hair behind her ear.

Sahana wrapped her legs around my waist, and rested her arms on my shoulders.

I could see the heat creep up to her cheeks, yet she didn't seem phased, "Of course I did, dumbass," she leaned down and pecked my lips, "I now know that I was for the longest time, but just never came to the conclusion of it. I'm also a dumbass for being so blind."

She stroked my hair, "But now that I'm starting to say it , I don't know if I'll ever stop."

"I love youu. I love you. I love you. I love you." She cupped my face in her hands, giving me kisses all over my face.

I grinned from ear to ear.

"Do you realize how soft your lips are? They feel so nice." Sahana eyes were focused, as she stroked my bottom lip.

"What lip balm do you use? Do you use a lip scrub too? Wait do you use my lip scrub? Maybe that's why they're like this." She had a genuine face of curiosity.

I couldn't get over her cuteness.

To break her sense of concentration, I suddenly kissed her and playfully smirked, "Vaseline all the way."

She blinked a few times at me, realizing what just happened.

"Really? That doesn't feel like Vaseline." She looked up thinking, and touched my lips again, "Are you sure that's Vaseline?"

I laughed, "You're so cute."

"I'm actually curious," She giggled, "I want my lips to be like yours."

"They already are. Just 100 times better."

"I can't get enough of them."

"Oh staap you're making me bluushh." Sahana wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me.

We stayed like that, wanting to never let go of each other.

We embraced the moment we were in together.

Our first night as a couple.



Hii guyss

This chapter was kinda short so sowwy about dat hehe

But I like this one tho it's cute :)

Anyways have a wonderful dayy

Love ya'll 💙💙