She's my Momma 05
As the sun started to set, Lucy made a dash to grab a piece of mission- not even daring to know what it is; and made Mira stomp it. Although Mira was hesitant at first she just sighs and bid a good luck to the blonde, Lucy really needs to be selfish at times Mira thought and sadly smiled at what the blonde told her about her younger sister.
Thankfully though Happy and Natsu didn't saw Lucy grab a mission and didn't go home with her, she was thankful yet there was this other feeling of hope for either of them to really see. Sadly though her suppressed plea didn't come true, she waited for them to come and barged in but they didn't, she was leaving later how she wanted to at least see them before she go.
Meanwhile at Natsu and Happy's home, both were now planning on what to do for their family day. Happy was so excited, this moment just comes in once in a year. It was the time of the day where Natsu and Lucy's attention was inside their family, where the three of them could be seen and felt like a family.
But tomorrow though Happy planned a special thing for them, although Natsu have seen it before but Lucy still hasn't. Snickering to himself he imagined how Lucy would react when she saw him as a human?
A little blue haired boy with bright brown eyes like hers, would she be proud of him? Of course she would be. He practiced this all year for this Family Day; he even had Mira as her instructor. And boy did their training wear him out; Mira was a strict teacher that's for sure.
"Time for bed buddy" Natsu called out to let him know he's turning the lights out.
"Aye!" he chirped and went to his own hammock.
A comfortable silence engulfed them; a peace in mind was what they needed when they were both so excited. But suddenly battle was raging on Happy's head, he was contemplating whether to ask or not, and so his curious self won.
"Hey Natsu?" he ask and Natsu hummed, indicating he was listening.
"Do, do you like Lushe?" he asks out of the blue, sitting up from his hammock to face Happy a look of confusion danced on Natsu's face.
"Of course I like Luce, Happy. Why'd you ask?" Natsu sank back to his hammock and stared at the ceiling.
"No, what I meant is, like-like, Natsu" Happy now turned to his father, silence followed before Natsu finally answered.
"I don't know Happy, I never know what that kind of feeling is" he answered truthfully then afterwards he let out a deep sigh.
"How do you feel about momma, Natsu?" he asks, not really concerned of how he said momma instead of Lucy.
Natsu already knew Happy wanted Lucy as his mother, and although he likes it too he cannot just abandon Lisanna who helped him raise Happy. But now the question was out, how does he feel about Lucy? A flash of gold then went by his brain, a smile tugged into his lips.
"How do I feel about her? I feel safe and contented for what feels like a first time" he grinned at the memory of how she hugged him behind, that was when they finally defeated the dragons and future Rogue.
"Now imagine Lushe leaving us with another man" with that sentence, Natsu laid there as if his world just crumbled.
Doing what Happy just said, Natsu's heart clenched, his blood boiled and now he wanted to just smack that guys face. No man should claim his Luce, no one but him.
"Well?" Happy's voice then made Natsu come back to reality.
"Remind me to burn every man that would look her way, Happy" Natsu stated seriously, venom laced as he said man.
Happy's eyes widen, there was still hope for his family. He knew Natsu was now in love with his mother, yet Natsu never bothered to ever confront it. Grinning from ear to ear Happy mentally noted to talk with Mira tomorrow, she knows what to do, and as for Lucy? Oh was it obvious, they shared the same feelings, just too dense to actually see it.
"You love her" Happy stated, not a question to be answered by Natsu but a statement in which Happy wanted to cross to Natsu's thick skull.
"Stop fighting it Dad, confront it and then embrace it" he teases, but also serious and sincere of what he said.
"Good night~" Happy called and embrace the sleep in.
"Good night" Natsu whispered back.
Natsu lay in bed but not asleep he was wide awake, what Happy said to me kept on repeating in his head. You love her; those 3 words somehow corrupted his brain. He shuts his eyes and let his brain drifted on a memory to play.
"Natsu" his father's voice boomed at the cave's wall.
"What is it dad?" he looked up to his father that was already staring at him.
"Do you know what love is?"Igneel the fire dragon king suddenly ask his son, Natsu tilted his head to the side and a look of confusion written on his face.
"Well, I And I love food, is that right?" he questions now sitting on the cold hard ground. A loud rumble erupted from the fire dragon; he was chuckling at his son's denseness.
"Ah, soon you'll know what I mean. Soon you'll suddenly meet someone and would feel a means to protect that someone. To protect, to cherish, to always be there for her, to make her smile, to not let anyone hurt her, and most importantly, to love her and be her fiery dragon." Igneel stated, looking out at the blue clouds his eyes shimmered as if he is recalling something.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Natsu asked now deeply confused as ever.
"What I mean is that, one day you're gonna meet someone who you want to protect, hold and would never let go of, and your gonna love this person deeply. This person, is gonna be your light, a light that will never leave you alone" he smiled down at Natsu, hoping in the future he will somehow get what he meant.
"Whatever, who ever that person is I'm gonna beat 'em to a pulp" Natsu said raising his fist and engulfing them with fire. Igneel sweat drop at what Natsu declared and a tick mark appeared on his father's forehead.
"You idiot! Don't you dare beat up your light or I'll haunt you down and bury you alive" Igneel's voice boomed throughout the forest and Natsu's yelp could be heard, a smack in the head would hopefully do it.
Jolting up awake sweats dripped down his forehead, he suddenly recalled what he dreamt of and then a shiver run down his spine. He finally get what his old man said, a smile crept unto his face and Lucy's face popped out his mind.
"She's my light" he finally get it, he finally realizes it.
"Natsu, not so loud, it's too early" Happy rubbed his closed eyes, Natsu then glances at Happy and grinned.
"I finally get it Happy" Natsu beamed, making Happy scowl for a moment.
"Get what Natsu?" he asks really not knowing what his father is talking about.
"I love Luce" Natsu stated his grin wide and happy.
Stunned at what Natsu said early in the morning, his eyebrows furrowed and squinted his eyes at him. 30 seconds passed by until realization hit him, Happy's eyes widen and jaw dropping he suddenly shouts.
"Seriously?!" falling off his hammock his butt met the cold hard ground floor, but the stinging sensation didn't even bother him since all of his attention was on his father.
"Really" he said, Happy then squealed throwing his arms out, boy was this the best morning ever.
"Let's get ready and head towards Luce's apartment" Natsu then got out his hammock and went directly to his shower.
Happy following suite he was quite proud of Natsu; his father finally realize where his heart truly belongs. And now all they needed to do was to tell Lucy and break up with Lisanna, and then that hit him.
How would Natsu break up with Lisanna? Oh well they'll come up with that later, the important thing was to get to Lucy first. 30 minutes later the boys were now done, they then head out home and dashed towards Lucy's. Their smiles were so wide they couldn't even think of something to ruin it.
Not until they arrive at her home, with ease Natsu swiftly got inside with Happy flying along. They then noticed her bed was empty, no Lucy was seen in her bedroom. The two shared a look and went exploring in the house hoping to see her on the way, but much to their dismay she was nowhere to be found.
"Maybe she's at the guild already" Happy suggested, nodding they bolted out her apartment and went straight towards their guild.
With no hesitation Natsu kicked open the door and began looking at the sea of people hoping to see a blonde woman. Worried was laced unto their face.
"G'morning Natsu, Happy, looking for someone?" Mira greeted the searching quiet duo.
"Morning Mira, have you seen Luce lately?" Natsu ask strolling his way towards the bar.
Mira smiled at their way and sweats formed at her forehead; Lucy never did say I can't tell them Mira's conscious said. She was about open her mouth to tell them where Lucy went when suddenly, Natsu was tackled to the ground.
"Nats! G'morning, you both ready?" she asked Natsu and Happy who glances at each other.
"Well, Lucy's still not here though" Natsu answered, and stood up from the ground making Lisanna flustered of what he said.
"I talked to Lucy yesterday, she won't be coming with us" she stated hoping they would still celebrate their so-called Dragneel Family Day.
"She did not tell me anything though, Happy? Natsu looked at his partner who was flying beside him in question, whilst Happy shook his head no.
"She's gone on a mission" Lisanna told them.
"Oh? Well then let's go and catch up with her" Natsu declared and was about to head out when Lisanna called him.
"Natsu!" her voice boomed inside the guild hall, the present members looked at their way.
"Yes Lis?" stunned by her shout, Natsu and Happy were now standing near the guild door yet also centimetres apart.
"Lucy went on a mission to give us some time to have a family day, the three of us" Lisanna stated looking quite annoyed.
"But, Lushe never goes on a mission without us" Happy whispered, now looking at Natsu.
"We can have our own family day some other day Lis, Luce needs us right now" Natsu was now quite irritated of how Lisanna was behaving.
With no words Happy then went and hug Lisanna, he was kind 'a feeling sad for the poor girl. Maybe a little bit of hug would help her then let them be on their way, was what Happy thought, but the moment when Happy wanted to let go Lisanna she held unto him tighter.
"Can't you just leave her alone for now? Can't your attention be on your girlfriend or mother for once?! Can't I have my time with my boys?! For once, just once?!" she asked them with each question raising her voice.
Sighing Natsu and Happy made eye contact; Happy was hesitant to agree at first but soon gave in, what's the harm of spending little time of her 'once upon a time' mother? Happy then nodded hesitantly, and so they gave her a chance.
"Alright, let's go" Natsu stated walking out and not turning back.
A smile then went unto Lisanna's lips; she hurriedly went after Natsu with Happy on her arms. She was happy, at least they agreed even though it's just for today. A small hope clutched into her heart, maybe after today they can go back to the good old days? Who knows?
At the guild though, the members who was present at the scene was taken quite a back of Lisanna's sudden outburst. Mira who saw the whole thing then went and check the mission Lucy was in again, they never both did double check the request, just that Lucy needed a mission and that's that.
Going back to the bar and check the guilds back up request, she studied the paper hoping it wasn't too hard for the travelling blonde but alas, boy were they wrong. Gasping Mira's eyes widen at the information, she then hurriedly went to the master's office and with no knock she slammed the door wide open.
"Master!" a look of alarm was present on the barmaids face, with no question the master's face turned serious.
"Lucy is on an S-class mission"
. . . . . . . .Chapter 05 E.N.D