The Scared And The Neko

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Chapter 1: The Scared And The Neko

Author: Tion_Official

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September, 30, 8929

36 days after Pianty's Queen has died and every loli around the world have heard of the news, and they're starting to worry that Pianty might do something horrible to everyone since they haven't catched the filth, and they've been silent and they didn't say anything else.

This is where we meet our main character, Our protagonist is Aishe, she's a white haired loli that's 3'5 and she's 15 years old.

Despite of her height and appearance as a child, she's indeed a teenager, like the adult lolis who look to be the same age, but there's something that can tell if they're this age or not.

It's their height, but of course It's also tested by a stone, it's a technology stone to see if they're capable of carrying it, each stone is unique and is made to be carried by the specific age range.

For example!

If this stone is only meant to be carried by 4-5 year olds, they can carry it, but the age higher or lower than that cannot, it's just good technology, anyways…

Aishe is our little protagonist who has heard of the news in a secret place on the internet and she's one of the lolis in the Murikon Nation who wants peace instead of war. There's already a problem with poverty and corruption, there's no need to make it worse.

Sometimes, Murikon doesn't like to announce things publicly, not unless every loli and shota really needs to know something.

Murikon is a country that you can say… is normal.

Unlike other countries of Lolinica.

Murikon is recognized by being the most neutral of all, they don't wear ice skates in the winter like Ryunin and they don't eat live animals for food like Kokron.

They're the best for being absolutely normal.







Aishe sighs seeing that there's no news from the government of pianty.

The last few days they were sharing what happened and all of the sudden, they went quiet for some reason, it's too quiet that it's not considered that they got over it… No that couldnt be the case, someone killing their queen is enough to trigger them and they could explode like a bomb in an instant and possibly wage war on everyone, but they might be just gathering clues on which loli or shota is responsible for the murder of their queen.

"I think I should go out a little… The heat is getting to me, I really need to get an air conditioner."

*Knock Knock Knock!

"And what a time to get up."

Aishe gets off her research chair that's near her research table as she walks to the door to see who it is.

She looks at the tiny hole that's in her door so she can see who it is, and it's none other than her best friend!

Aishe opens the door and sees her best friend!

A blue haired half human and half neko loli and she's just licking her popsicle until she sees Aishe.

"Ah! Aishe! I thought you were going to take 10 more minutes to answer the door, nyah."

Aishe rubs her head.

"Eh well, that was last time, so please don't mention that again."

The neko shrugs as she licks her popsicle and the heat that's gathered inside of Aishe's home finally comes out and they are free!

"Why is it so hot in there, nyah?"

Asked the neko.

Aishe doesn't really want to explain, it's very complicated and she would like to keep it to herself, but since this is her best friend…

[Aishe: Well… Computer ram, my computer is running, and their parts are heating up leading to here...]

The neko looks inside and she can barely see anything due to the fog of heat inside there.

"Why didn't you open your window, nyah? If I was here, I would definitely not survive! I'm amazed you dealt with this, nyah."

[Aishe: Well thanks, but my window is… broken… It means I can't open it, and I don't have an air conditioner yet so…]

The neko nods with a smug face.

[Mmm mmm, I see, I see, nyah! Well then, why don't you point me to the problem?]

Aishe nods as she lets her in, making sure she has water just in case.

"O-Oh and Luii?"

The neko loli now known as Luii looks at her.

"That's the first time I actually never heard you say that."

Luii tilts her head.

"Never heard what?"

Aishe: "You know, the nyah? The one you use to end every sentence you say? You did it again."

Luii: "Ohh, that, well it's pretty much a habit I do, but I can stop saying it whenever I want, nyah. But I stop saying it whenever I get serious or just because I want to."

Aishe just looked at her for a few more seconds before she nods as she runs to get a glass of water, and when she comes back, Luii's popsicle is melted and it's all over her hands.

[Aishe: A-ah Christ!]

Aishe runs to her and gives her the water and gets a towel.

"You sure do hyper work with those computers of yours, nyah."

She holds the glass of water as she licks the melted popsicle that's on her hand.

Aishe comes back to clean her hands.

"I'm sorry that your popsicle melted, D-do you want me to buy one later...?"

"You don't need to, nyah. I can buy one in another time."








Aishe leads Luii to the problem of her window, and Luii rubs her chin looking at what problem there could be missing.




"Is there something wrong with it?"

Aishe asks as she gets a towel and wipes off any sweat Luii might have, for herself. She's good, she can take this heat."

Luii closes her eyes and raises one finger.

"One, nyah. There's one problem with your window, nyah."

Aishe looks at her.

"That is…?"

Luii slowly points and Aishe follows where her finger is going. …


Luii: "Haha!"

Aishe: "Luii~! Come on! There's no time to be joking!"

Luii gives her a head pat.

"Alright alright."

She points at a specific part of the window.

"There's something stuck there, nyah. I'm guessing it's been there awhile, nyah. You need to remove it out of its place and I can assure you it will go off and fix your window nyah."

"Stuck…? Something is stuck?"

Aishe asks with a confused look. She hasn't seen anything stuck.

Luii looks at her.

"Just go check it, it's probably there, nyah."

Aishe looks at it before she climbs up there.







The televisions suddenly opened, leading Aishe to fall by surprise but Luii catched her.

Luii: "Yo nyah. I think you stepped on your remote, nyah."

Aishe looks at the television.

"W-what? I-I didn't step on the remote…"

Luii raises her brows.

"You didn't?"

The tv went static as both looked at what's happening to it.

Both Aishe and Luii watch the tv static, and a few seconds later. The television turned to a channel and it showed someone sitting behind a long chair.

They turn to the camera and…

They're wearing panties on their head, covering their face, and can't seem to see anything.

"Hello. Everyone in Lolinica…

It's me… the one everyone fears…"

"What? Nobody knows me because of these panties you told we to wear??

Then why did you have to make me say that?? W-what??"

Luii and Aishe just looked at the television, confused as ever and Aishe looked at Luii and asked.

"Is this supposed to be a warning…?"

"It doesn't seem like it, nyah."

Luii tried changing the channels, and they are infact changing channels but the screen remains the same.

The Loli that's wearing panties on her head sighs as she faces the camera.

"I'm a loyal loli of the nation that is known…

The Piantyesis…"

[What? Just only Pia- God damn it! Stop messing around!!]

She pulls out a gun and fires at the left side, which everyone in the background who was giggling stopped.

The Loli there puts the gun down on the table as she sits down.

"Listen you loli stupids. I'm talking to all of you types of Lolis. D-C to A-A

Even if they're newborn, I don't care!"

She puts her legs on top of the table.

"I've heard one of you imbeciles killed our queen… I'm seriously pissed off… I hate you all, it doesn't matter if you're innocent or not.

We may be ignorant but we won't stop slaughtering everyone until we are satisfied and bored!"

The Loli in the tv pulls out something from her desk and it's an… ice cream?

She unwraps the cover and she gives it a lick before looking at the camera again.

"Whoever is watching this and killed her, this ice cream reminds of something, doesn't it? Well we're going to do the same, as you…"

She whistles and a loli wearing a business suit comes into the view of the camera and the loli in the chair just points the ice cream at her.

"Lick. Lick it."

"E-wh what?? R-right in front of-"

She bangs on the table with her leg and the scared business loli just does so.

Luii: "Jeez… that's really ruthless, and embarrassing…"

Luii just covers Aishe's eyes, because she probably knows where this is going...

The Loli on the chair shoves the ice cream inside of that tiny mouth of that business loli and she comes closer to the camera and whispers.

"We're going to kill you all. We'll do that. I swear, if you take this as a joke-

The Loli takes off her panties on her head and just now only Luii then realized who this was, as she gave a horrified gasp.

The Loli on the chair lets her eye be seen by the camera.

And her eyes have cuts on them, so she's blind…

[This is the start of another war… Another ruthless war…




A-are we done here…? Are we already done doing this stupid threa-]

The television went static as the television went back to its normal channels and saw that there's an ad for a warm pillow on sale.

Aishe doesn't seem to get what was that all about, but for Luii, she seems to be genuinely concerned now that she sees what's going on.

Aishe looks at her with a worried look.

"A-are you okay…?"

Luii shakes her head as she looks at Aishe.

"It's nothing really. But don't worry, nyah. There's nothing to worry about, mmkay nyah?"



Believing in her best friend, Aishe nods as her neko friend pulls out her phone to contact someone.

*Ring ring.

*picked up*

"Hey Luii. I know why you called."

"It's about the television, nyah."

"I know. I was supposed to call you after that, but it seems like you beat me to it. But I think there's a place we can discuss this all. I'll send you the location, okay?"

"I understand, nyah."

"Good, be careful you cute idiot."

Luii hangs up and looks at the ceiling, breathing and trying to clear her mind before looking at Aishe.

"How about we go outside for awhile, nyah?"

Aishe rubs her chin before she nods.

"A-alright. I think I also need some time out."

Luii nods.

"That's all I need to hear, nyah."

Aishe and Luii are headed out, and they're going to visit one of Luii's other old friends.

While they travel, let me tell you the history of the Nation Of Murikon.

Murikon was formed by a couple of lolis back in 6099. They were called Muriris and they are lolis who are descendants of actual human children, before they got some chemical injected into them before they turned to permanent lolis and shotas.

The human children died off, due to extreme measurements of struggles that a normal child cannot comprehend.

Unlike others, Muriris are nothing special, they are normal children who don't think a lot and they don't take anything seriously.

At the first loli war, they were not involved due to their stupidity, but since they don't know anything about reproduction, half of them all died and the rest are taken and befriended by a couple of lolis who are born and made to be what they are in the present.

The first loli war started in 6178.

This war started because a loli leader didn't get headpats from another leader, which made her angry and pissed off.

A few days, she declared, and the enemy's nations allies joined in to protect, and the ally of the attacking nation also joined in which started the first loli war.

Speaking of those lolis that save the Muriris…

They are Ryu's, special lolis, the ones who were first to walk the lands of Lolinica.

Murikon and Ryunin. Are both allies, ever since the beginning of like loli time.

They helped the Muriris reproduce, and they really need to, otherwise they're going to die off. But you may ask… Females and Females can't make babies. And you're right.

Shota's exist here. But they're very rarely seen.

Shotas are female lolis, from the lolis understandings, so they treat shotas as a way to reproduce, and as a some sort king as well. But not often.

If we were to see how many lolis are to shotas, it's 90/10.

So shotas are rarely seen, and explains why they don't just do war for the lolis.

And also.

Killing a shota. Is a war crime in Lolinica.

It is agreed by every nation of Lolinica that killing a shota is a war crime.

War crimes in Lolinica are very taken seriously and they aren't broken much.

Last time somebody committed a war crime was 100 years ago, believe or not.

Some lolis may be violent, but they prefer to follow the global rules, or else everyone will go to Doc 5! What's Doc 5 you mean?

Killing every single nation until none is left, basically nuclear war, but instead of nukes, they keep fighting until one is standing left.

This great loli war is at Doc 4. Which is war, nothing else. The lolis can surrender and the opposing can choose whether they should trigger a war crime, or accept their surrender, but enslave the ones inside the captured land as much as possible.

Another war crime in Lolinica is continuously attacking a nation that has already surrendered to its enemy, and a surrendered nation cannot fight back the enemy until like a year later, because that's also a war crime.

That's 3 war crimes told that aren't supposed to be broken, and there are exactly 11 in total.

The others for now are history to be told later, but for now let's enjoy what else is going to be done.

Fun Facts That Should Never Even Be Told Anyways: Aishe wears white panties.

Like It was obvious since she has white hair and Luii is 49 years old. Despite her age, she is a very cute blue haired neko loli who serves the country of Murikon by protecting it from enemy lolis.

She is High Elite Veteran which is one rank away from being a star of Murikon.


Chapter Ends