I Spy With My Little Eye A Loli

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Chapter 3: I Spy With My Little Eye A Loli.

Author: Tion_Official

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After ordering lots of food, by Pawn mostly.

The three lolis, including the shota. Decided to greet each other with a friendly attitude with a smile, but of course they're doing this because Aishe is here.

As Murikon Soldiers. It's always necessary for them to teach good influence towards young lolis, not unless they're one of the army.

But for those who are innocent it's nessecary so they can't have a nightmare about bad lolis murdering tons of innocents, or even doing the massacres themselves in the future.

They were originally planning to talk about the war and what they'll do about it, but Luii insisted on Aishe coming. Because she's very close to Asihe and Aishe likes Luii too. Both of Luii's old friends find it weird she's hanging out with a young loli.

She doesn't look like the mother, and doesn't look to be a fit for a mother.

She even told herself she doesn't insist on being one, so it's kind of strange Luii is acting like a mother figure to that friend of hers.

[Pawn] So… Little Aishe. Do you have occupations? Or perhaps a contract with somebody in terms of leading in money and business?


Looking at Aishe's confused face… She didn't get what Pawn means. So he decides to make it clearer.

[Pawn] Do you have work, or something you do to make money?

[Aishe] Uhm… well… No… But I do computers and stuff. I do basic research sometimes... Plants, and stuff...and... things.

Pawn looks at Luii, but she simply shrugs.

[Luii] I don't have anything to do with it, nyah. It's simply her decision, so don't blame me just because we're friends, nyah.

[Pawn] I see...? Are you sure you're not like her mother or something because your face is telling something but I can't get a grasp of what it is.

[Luii] I'm not her mother, nyah! I'm not responsible for her daily doings!"

Pawn just shrugged as a loli came to him, who seemed to be asking for directions to the restroom, which Pawn glady points to.

He was thanked and given something.

He looked at it and he was given a candy in a wrap. This is one strange looking wrapping for a candy.

Without thinking too much about it, he puts it inside his pocket without any worries at all as he chills, possibly waiting for the food or somebody else to arrive.




Luii turned her attention to a technician loli who's fixing the flickering light bulb. It looked to as it was about to blow up and shatter, but just in time it was pulled out by the technician and replaced with a brand new shiny light bu-


Pawn noticed Luii staring at something, or maybe even someone, but it's probably her cat instinct kicking in. She must have seen a rat or something.

He doesn't quite know about her loli race since he's not educated in the breed types of lolis.

Neither from shota's.

He is just a shota that became a war veteran without any prior knowledge of important things.

Aishe feels the need to pee as he asks Luii to guide her to the restroom. Of course Luii agreed as he excused herself and Aishe as they go to the restroom together and now it's just Pawn and Kace.

[Kace] Do you think that kid is Luii's?

[Pawn] Does Luii look like the mommy type to you?

[Kace] How the hell would I know. She told me earlier she was friends with that kid, but now seeing this further, she acts more like a mom rather than a friend.

[Pawn] So you're saying I should neglect my friends and never treat them nicely, you know, like a mom?

[Kace] Wha- no! That's not- ugh!

Kace smashes her face down on the table, as she groans.

Pawn puts his feet on the table which quickly got Kace's attention.

[Kace] Pawn, what are you doing. You're in a restaurant, not your freaking office!

[Pawn] What? I'll pay for the washing fee if it gets dirty.

[Kace] We're going to eat here, you know that right?

[Pawn] Wait, oh shit. You're right. I can't have a dirty table here, but it's too late, isn't it?

He puts his feet down under the table as Kace just face palms.

Pawn may be a vet shota, but he's an idiot…







Luii is waiting for Aishe to finish her nature's call, but in the meantime. Luii is writing some notes about a loli she saw earlier. Whoever that was, she was acting kind of strange, and different.

Doesn't look or act like a Murikon, so she has to be careful and silently tell Kace and Pawn about this information later, or else they might charge in without hesitation.

Pawn and Kace are higher majors after all, and war veterans are high targets whenever it comes to a war.

Veterans are obviously skilled in war and have walked into hell itself and they walked out after a war is over.

It's been a long time since Luii was in a war, and that was 26 years ago, but it is fate after all for her to join back in the war.

It sucks to be an old famous war veteran, especially if you're still alive.

[Luii] Hey Aishe, are you done, nyah?

[Aishe] Almost.

Since Aishe seems to be taking a long time there, Luii walks to the exit of the restroom as she peaks her head, and sees Kace and Pawn just talking to each other.

They seem to be not getting a long with each other. After all these years, they still don't like each other when it comes to them being alone together.

They may be nice to each other sometimes, but that's only when someone they know is around.


That loli again. She just walked past by their table. What is that loli planning…? It's no coincidence she looks weird and she just walks past the two war veterans, looking at them with no reaction at all.

It could be that she's looking because they're fighting, yes. But Luii is already suspicious and she can't afford to ignore someone who is considered suspicious in her mind.

Aishe pulls Luii's tail as she turns around, Aishe seems to be done and dandy.

[Aishe] H-hey… I don't know if I can keep up… I really don't want to offend your code or anything, but-

[Luii] I-It's alright, nyah! You can be yourself, but just please make sure your mouth doesn't slip and accidentally tell them I told you some stuff about the classified war… I'm going to get in trouble if I told them I told someone young as you, which is you, uhh, about the war so…. Please just avoid saying it, okay, nyah?

Aishe nods as Luii comes out of the restroom with Asihe following behind her.

They went back as both Kace and Pawn stopped fighting.

[Luii] Do you two have an explanation on why you were fighting, nyah?

[Kace] Pawn keeps, PUTTING his limbs, his head, and his own as- butt! on the table!

[Pawn] Enough jibber jabber, I'm hungry already, where's the soup that's supposed to be given?

Another maid once again approaches the table as she points the loli at it.

[Here's the table, miss]

The Loli nods.

[Thank you]

The maid then leaves as he waves to every single one of them.

[Pawn] Oh hey, you're finally here as well. Who called you?

The Loli sits on a chair as she puts her bag down on the table.

[Well by Kiece of course. She said we're going to have an important discussion?]

[Luii] It is an important discussion, but we can't start without her, and by hearing that I assume you don't know why we're here.

The Loli shrugged.

[As I said. No clue what the hell is going on, so what you guys fucking up to?]

[Kace] y....yeah.... can you not swear for now?

[Huh? Something up?]

[Kace] There's a type C here, 15 years old!

[H-huh? Oh shit. Uhh. Sorry, I'm a bit of retard and-

[Kace] oh my go- please shh!

The Loli just shut her mouth as she looks to be sorry for saying those things in front of Aishe as Kace face palms once again.

[Luii] ...Nyaanywas, we should at least talk about something important, something far more important than we were discussing earlier…

[Pawn] What do you mean? You mean the war?

[Luii] Oh nonononono-, Not that, nyah. I can't say it… if I do… We might all be surprised here right now, and also I think there's a bug under my bed that bit me earlier, but luckily I managed to not get an itch, nyah.

The three other lolis look around as they look to Luii.

She shrugs as they stop talking and keep an eye out.

[Luii] You know…

They look at her.

[Luii] I like the fruit strawberry, with pancakes, nyah. Blueberries in the bottom are the best too, nyah.

[Kace] Ah, I see. Me too…

Now that they know what Luii is talking about, they keep an eye out…

Aishe has no clue what they were just talking about, but Luii has the same taste as Aishe. She likes strawberries as well!