Long Time No Talk, No Cookies and Milk

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 1 Chapter: 8 Long Time No Talk, No Cookies and Milk.

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[Pawn: This burger is hella delicious! That includes the fries as well! Everything seriously fits in my stomach and they all end up being good!]

[Luii: I know the food is delicious, but can you please not scream out loud in the middle of the night inside a 24 hr hospital inside a restaurant, nyah…?]

Pawn gives a thumbs up with his mouth full of burger, as he continues to munch down on the delicious greasy hunk of meat covered by bread buns.

Luii sighs as she checks on her phone.

No alarm has been raised so the door hasn't been touched yet so that's good.

Luii looks up at the sky and sees the bright white stars from far away.

Those stars remind her of something, but it was a more complicated memory than even Luii can't remember, but whatever that memory is, it's giving her the nostalgic feeling all across her spine to her cat ears.

She looks back at Pawn only to be missing.

Luii looked around and she found him ordering another meal… He just had 2 batches, this is his third already! But since Pawn isn't like the type to be taken care of, she just leaves him alone to whatever he wants. If he wanna gets fat, he gets fat, no responsibility taken.

Luii looks back at her phone and sees who could be on right now.

Maybe Kace? Maybe she could call Kiece again?

Kiece probably has her phone taken from her, so the neko decides to see if Kace is online.

8 minutes ago.

Kace was online a few minutes ago, and it looks like she has a new post.

Something motivational, something sweet and hopes the citizens of Murikon stays safe, which is always something she does.

The cat wonders what the fierce crazy dog-like loli is up to right now.

She's probably preparing for war or talking with the other associates in the army.

Now that she thinks about it, they're currently in a public hospital, a big one to be exact, but anyone can get in during the night, especially those pesky Piantinis…

She keeps her cat instincts up to see if anyone is acting suspicious….


Pawn puts the heavy tray down on the table which Luii got startled as her ears and tail rose up in shock.

[Pawn: Yo! I brought you some fries since you don't know what you want, you cool with that nyankers?]

Luii groans, relaxing herself as she takes the fries.

[Luii: This is like your third now, when did you last eat before we got here??]

[Pawn: Oh I just ate a sandwich full of cut sausages and mayo, I think it was 3 minutes before I met you at the door.]

Luii was about to speak but she keeps her mouth shut as she just shrugs it off and eats one fry, and it tastes good. Delicious...

Pawn takes a seat as he unwraps his burger from the wrapping but then looks at Luii.

[Pawn: So how's the kid going? Is she hot or cold?]

[Luii: She's hot but currently cold. I'm surprised she managed to survive that large blast! Even Talisia was surprised that she wanted Aishe to join us, nyah!]

[Pawn: Type C in the army huh? That's nothing new, I saw some Type C's joining the army last few years, you were one of them.]

[Luii: That was years ago!!~ That shouldn't be allowed anymore as we already have enough soldiers and lolis to go with!]

[Pawn: It was years ago but it's a war, this is a war. It's a possibility younglings will get drafted.]

Luii sighs as she takes another bite of the fries.

She can't afford Aishe to join the army. She's only good with computers, and that's all she's good for. She can't kill people nor break bones and shoot a loli until all of their blood spills out.

She's literally not ready for all of those things!

Luii has faced them, and it was scary…

She doesn't want Aishe to face what she faced in the past indeed.

Pawn takes a bite of his burger and his face is already filled with joy and satisfaction.

He never gets enough does he?

Luii looks at her phone and sees that Kace has not come back online, so she sends her a message, once it was sent, Kace was immediately online.

Luii raised an eyebrow but she decided not to question it.


Hey Luii-tan! Where are you right now? I'm sorry I couldn't be at the hospital, I'm in business right now with the first star. Also is Pawn with you?

[Pawn: ? Who's that?]

[Luii: Kace, just went online.]

[Pawn: Oh, well say "Anone Anone~!" To her for me.]

[Luii: What? Euh, alright then?]

*tik tok tik tick toka toka tok tiki taka.



Wow, he's a retard. Anyways, I should be free later, the kid isn't with you right?

If so we can discuss what i've been just told. I can't send it here, for… hacking reasons, so please wait there for me, and if I'm not there for the next two hours, call the police. Kay? See ya later, Luii-tan~


[Pawn: What'd she say about my anone?]

[Luii: She said you're retarded.]

[Pawn: Eh? I thought she would be proud of that. Hmm, maybe she's reading it in my shota voice right now, I'll say it to her later then.]

[Luii: I thought you don't like doing a loli voice.]

[Pawn: Yeah I said that, but it's not bad to tease her sometimes with it. Besides, what else could I do with my voice?]

Luii sighs as she looks around the place.

There's only a few lolis walking around, probably looking for something to do while their relatives rest here, or maybe they are doctors who are working 24/7?

Such doctors with overtime exist, but it is bad for surgerys, especially when an error is an absolute nono.


[Pawn: So, nyankers. I'm sure no bulso is going to disturb or listen to us, how about we talk about what we're going to do for this war?]

[Luii: ? O-Oh, Y-yeah. Sure, nyah. I don't sense any dangers right now, so I guess it's fine that we talk about our plans and what we should do, but the first thing we obviously need to do is call Riyunin.

We need their assistance like always.

Without them, we're pretty much breadcrumbs at the end of this war, nyah.]

[Pawn: Yeah, and by the way, I hope I'm not getting into "personal" details but what of that type C you're chilling with?]


[Luii: You mean Aishe?]

[Pawn: Yeah, yeah, that little squirt. When did you meet her and how come you're so close with a young one? You told us last time you would rather kiss another loli rather than be a mother.]

[Luii: I-I know what I said, nyah! I'm keeping it that way, nyah.

You see, I'm not a mother, she is simply my bestest friend, ever since she was slightly younger, nyan.

She helped me with something, so I helped her back, I know it isn't fair, but she's a kid and she's missing a vital piece of what makes a family whole, nyan]

Pawn was about to ask what that missing vital piece is, but it's prolly not a good idea to dig in deeper in someone's past so desperately.

Even if one is close, one shall not share by force. -Kubii 9:10

Pawn gets off his chair and walks back to the counter to buy a drink, Luii's cat ears shake as she looks up. She saw a helicopter passing by, but it was too far away for her to see which chopper that was.

But it is probably not from Pianty or anyone really.

If it's a helli from pianty, they would've crashed an hour ago due to them invading airspace.

It's such a shame this war has to start, there's really no reason to rage over this and the queen's death is purely a mystery as of right now.

Who knows, maybe she accidentally poisoned herself when she was supposed to give it to pests like rats or something, but that remains a theory as of right now.

There's no way to prove it nor way to have evidence since it's been a long time since her death, there's no telling what plans Pianty might be doing right now, and they're probably making up a fake evidence thing so they could blame it on either Murikon or Riyunin.

*shaku shaku.


Luii looks at the elevator near them.

Once it opens a loli comes out, which is Kace.

She's wearing a black suit right now, with a black hat and a briefcase.


[Luii: Oh, Kace, nyah. Why are you dressed like that?]

[Kace: Ehhhh~? Luii-tan already sees through my disguise?? Then there's no way this disguise will get through Pianty then!]

[Luii: Oh that's what it's for then, nyah? Then don't worry about it. I'm sure no cats like me exist in Pianty, and they won't even see you coming, if you ever do come inside their base.

So mind telling the plan you said you would tell, nyah?]

Kace nods as she gets and drags a chair to Luii's table as she puts it near and hops on the chair, putting the briefcase down on the table as Pawn comes back with a drink.

[Pawn: Oh, uh- who's that in our seat, nyankers?]

Luii looks at Kace with a face of nothing to worry about it.

[See? I told you.]


Chapter Ends.