Pals and Chums?

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

The Fifth Great Loli War: 8929

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 2 Chapter 22: Pals and Chums?

(Information! The information that is mentioned like Defcon 1,2,3 in volume 1, whatever is no longer canon. VThe canon information will now start here. (Volume 2), thanks for your understanding!)

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25 minutes later.

Pawn is currently chatting with the other High Elite Generals to discuss what they're going to do and wonder which star will go to the West.

When an Invasion is launched, a star must accompany them or else they'll fall easily to the defenders, or in this case they'll easily fall to the Pianty Invasion.

Kace was just a few feet away from Pawn, and she has some lines already that aren't embarrassing or anything, just normal lines to tell if he's alright or something, but too bad Kace can't barge in their conversation. She's still a lower rank and Pawn and Luii are already High Elite Generals.

Aishe sits by Kace and is greeted by a hello. "Hello! Luii isn't here right now, So uhm, I thought maybe I could stay with you, Miss Kace."

"Oh Aishe, I always thought you were the shy type, but I guess not? Eh sure, why not? I'm okay with everyone as long as I know them and Luii knows them."

Aishe looks at what Kace is looking at and why she's sweating and sees that Pawn is over there talking with some lolis, probably his other friends or comrades.

"Why are you looking at Pawn?" Aishe asks in curiosity.

"I'm not!- ... I'm going to talk to him, later." Kace almost spat something out, but luckily her hatred for Pawn is inevitable.

Aishe noticed the red face of Kace, like some sort of highschool girl nervous about talking to her crush, but the rest of her face, which is anger and stress definitely does not fit the highschool girl crush situation.

"Oh. What about?" Aishe asked in a friendly way.

Kace doesn't wanna talk about it right now, but seeing that this little kid's curiosity might rise up if she doesn't tell her, she might be in a lot of trouble later.

She thinks about this before deciding she would tell Aishe what's up.

"Ugh fine." Kace says as she looks at Aishe. "But don't you dare share it with anyone else! Not even Luii-tan! Do you get that?"

Aishe nods as she lifts her hand to hers. "I pinky promise not to tell anyone, not even Luii, I pinky promise."



"S-something wrong?" Aishe asked, wondering if Kace is okay. She just paused for no reason.

"A-ah no, it's fine. I'm good, just having memories, is all." Kace gently grabs Aishe's hand and makes a pinky promise with her. "It's been years since I received this kind of promise, but I think I still know it's purpose."

After both hands were let go, Aishe raises both of her hands with a smile, indicating that she's happy. "Pinky Promise On!"


Kace gets a napkin as she wipes her own flowing tears that are suddenly coming out. Aishe was surprised to see her suddenly like this as she asked what was wrong and to see if she was alright. She's going to get in alot of trouble if she makes an adult cry! Accidentally triggering a memory can make someone cry and it's no one to blame, but Aishe feels like she should be at fault here.

Kace shakes her head as she just gives Aishe a pat on the head.


"Heh, eh, sorry, something… nostalgic just happened, and it made me a little teary. Sorry bout' that, but I'm okay now, Aishe."

Aishe takes her words for it and hopes she's okay, otherwise she'll feel guilty for hurting someone's feelings for accidentally triggering a memory of theirs. An unforgettable one to be exact.


"Ohhhh, so you have feelings for him."

"HELL NO! I mean, yes! But it's not one of those, OOO!~ Love~! Friendship and everything blah! No! It's a feeling of concern, you know what it means right?"


"Then you should get what I mean."

Kace sighs as she just stands up and walks up to Pawn. She can't answer this child's curiosity any longer, otherwise her mouth might slip and she could get in trouble by Luii.

"U-h, yeah, see ya girls."

"Yup, see ya later, Pawny."

Pawn nods as he sees the lolis, leaving giggling to themselves. After they left he let out a sigh of relief.

>Tap Tap.

>? Turn.

After being patted on the shoulder and turning around Pawn was met with a menacing face, a face of someone who's tired of this shit and is already wanting to move on to the next step, seeing this Pawn fully understands that she wants to tell him something, tell him somewhere private.

"We're here now, so what's on your mind?" Pawn asked as he sits down on a bench as he lights up a cigarette. Kace is biting her own nails at the moment. She should have no problem when it comes to talking to Pawn, but ever since Aishe mentioned something about having some weird interest in him she cannot take her mind off it! It's distracting her from what she's really going to say!

"Ehm, you see. I'm just wondering what's up."

"Wondering what's up?"

Kace faces him as she nods. "Yes." She answered. "Or let's say… What's up, Pawn?"


"I noticed you weren't doing so well when a story was being told. Almost like you didn't like it, but to prevent you being that rude Pawn you always are, you just stay quiet." Kace says as she sits next to Pawn. "Listen dude, I know you hate me, I hate you too, but as comrades, I'm kind of worried dude, ya feel me?"

Pawn stays quiet as he lets the cigarette just run on it's own. It's kind of concerning for Kace, but she doesn't seem to feel any hostility from Pawn so she decides to continue.

"I-If you're not, maybe we can go to that burger shop you always go to, Nyanku's whatever, right? If you think the higher ups will scold you, I'll gladly take responsibility."

"I-If you're fine being alone, t-then I know I should be going now, b-but, dude! I'm worried man! Say something at least! Is there anything wrong??"


"What do you mean "pft?!" Are you tired of seeing me?? Say something damn it!"



Pawn starts to chuckle and it turns into a cheerful laugh. "O-oh my god! Haha! You're like a baby when you're worried! Ha!! That emotion right there? Once in a lifetime I get to see it! It's been a while since I ever seen you so teary, Kace!" Pawn sighs as he wipes a tear, after laughing too much he feels like he could fill an empty pool with his tears.

Kace after that was irritated but she keeps her composure since Pawn really did look like he's serious for once, but Pawn is just too much of a lazy ass to take out his true self upon his friends, nor everyone really.

"But I'm fine, Kace. Thanks for asking, I'm kind of worried about the shotas in Kohibin. As a shota myself, even though I live a good life, I still worry for other shota lives."


"I know that being concerned for a couple of people isn't that surprising and new for you, but to be honest with you this time is different, but I can't explain that much because I'm not a great thinker." Seeing that Pawn's cigarette has already died out due to the tears he let out he just throws it away in a trashcan that's far away without moving from the bench but somehow still got the cigarette inside of the bin.

"Though, thanks for the concern. Lolis do tend to get curious about shotas huh?"


Pawn smirks as he starts to get close to Kace which she backs off a little.

"Uhh, what are you doing?" Pawn doesn't answer but keeps up with that creepy smile. "W-what?! What's up with you?? Why are you smiling like that?!"

"So. Mind telling me why you look so… flustered?"

"Wh-what?! I'm not flustered! I'm-... Lost for words!"

Kace pushes Pawn's face.

"Give me space damn it!"

"Aw come on! I know that red face of yours, I haven't seen you blushing for anyone, but when I get closer-"


Kace just covers her face, groaning and embarrassed while Pawn just laughs it out, punching the bench and holding his stomach as he wheezes.

Murikon Bootcamp Station.

Aishe was on her own as of the moment. She's with fellow comrades that look about as young as her. They all look afraid. Some are rarely seen angry, full of hatred for something and they look to be glad to be here and are willing to participate and fight for their country, but that's like 2% of the lolis here.

Some lolis are staring at Aishe, who has a gun on her waist. Everyone in the bootcamp station has no weapons on them, but for Aishe. It's almost like she sneaked it in and no higher ups noticed it.

"I wonder if these lolis have killed someone before." Aishe thinks in her head as she sees now a bunch of lolis approaching her. If she wasn't involved in the military she would be making friends when it comes to lolis approaching her, but now that she has seen the two most gruesome scenes she shouldn't have seen in her life, it's only worrisome and friendships are unlikely to be made.

"Hey" The loli said as she is being backed up with a bunch of lolis behind her who seem like they don't know what's going on.

"Uh- hello." Aishe responded with a friendly tone but was met with an overwhelming wall slam. She suddenly had the instinct to pull the gun out but she refused so.

"I heard your name was Aishe Lexi. Tell me, why do you have a gun on your waist? I thought all newbies like us aren't allowed to carry firearms unless said so?"

This loli seems to have no chill at all. She looks dangerous, but looks like her only weapon is bluffing, which is kind of working because Aishe could almost pee herself from this!

"Hey cut it out, Nene! We should be working together, not bullying each other!"

"Shut it. I'm busy asking someone that isn't you, so shut your big mouth."

Aishe is in no capable to fighting back, let alone threatening. She may have the advantage because she has the gun, but she's too scared to even use it! Aishe tried to answer this loli's question, but all that came out was nervous mumbles.

The loli slams the wall again as she asks the question again.

"Why do you have a gun on you?!!"

"I-I d-don't know! J-just leave me alone please!!"

"Tsk, you're such a softie. You don't even know how to point a gun at me, how about I take it and point it at you instead?!"


A familiar voice comes in as they run up to the scene where a bunch of lolis backed off but Nene keeps her stand.

"Hey junior! What do you think you're doing picking on a Private?! She is higher than you!" That familiar voice was Talisia who was done talking with the others and now here at the scene. "Do you have anything to say for yourself, soldier?!"

"Tsk." Nene backs off from Aishe as she crosses her arms looking away. "I didn't expect the old hag to be here, just really why aren't you retired yet?"


The other lolis who are far away viewing the scene decided to back off even more. This looks like this is about to go down.

Talisia keeps her composure, but when it comes to a soldier who decides to insult her even though she's just a small loli, it's a different scenario.

"Listen. You are Nene, right? You have records for beating up school bullies, and most importantly sending 5 lolis into the cemetery."

>! Aishe looks at Nene, she thought the juniors here are just kind, wondering what's going to happen, but this lolis has killed 5 lolis and others sent to the hospital?? Hearing this fear overcomes her and she decides to stay behind Talisia.

Nene nods.

"I'm planning to make that to 6, if you decide to keep this up, "your star""

. . .

*Grhh, that's it! You're going to get punished for this! 100 push-ups! NOW!"

Nene rolls her eyes as she starts to lay down on the ground to do the push ups.

"You decide to let out your stress by letting me do 100 push-ups? I guess dad was right when it comes to training here. You soldiers really have no chill."

Nene is now doing the push-ups, even though she's struggling she seems to be unfaced.

Talisia sighs as she looks at Aishe. "You're fine, right?"

Aishe nods as she grips on Talisia, and she can almost feel her frustration.

Talisia knows inside that she's not ready, but after seeing what sees capable of and managing to get here up until this point, there's no way she can ignore it.


"The emergency alarm system…?"

>This is a LoliCON 3 threat, A Code Red. Please listen to the emergency.

Soldiers from The Earth's Rank to the Suns Rank. Please immediately report to the Murikon Borders. I repeat all ranks from from Earth to Sun, please report to the Murikon Borders immediately.

An aircraft has crashed and it is shot down by one of our rockets, but it is unknown which plane it is, but in the case of an ambush, all ranks from Earth to Sun, please immediately report to the Murikon Borders.

"Shit, a plane?? How unsecure is this country?!"

Talisia decides to carry Aishe with her but before she goes. She turns around and points at the other lolis. "Make sure this brat here does 100 push-ups. That's your training for today. Did you all get it?!"

"Y-Yes your star!"

Talisia looks down on Nene, before running to the location the emergency has told.


Chapter Ends.