
The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

The Fifth Great Loli War: 8930.

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 3 Chapter 30: Nanodesu.

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After talking with Aishe about the fact that she'll have to bear with Nene for a while she accepted the fact that Nene will be her partner and Luii will be on a mission to make sure Nanodesu is Pianty free.

No loli would like to get Murikon's treatment of a recent terrorist bombing, so it's not worth letting crazy bloodthirsty suicidal terrorists in their country.

Aishe says her goodbyes to the Kupip Project before they all boarded the plane. Aishe watched as the plane flew off to the skies before she was guided back to boot camp by another HEG.

Aishe is somewhat scared now that she's alone, especially if she's going to be with Nene at all times. But she has to be brave, for Luii!

This is the day, this will be the day where Aishe makes a decision on her own without the advice of anyone she knows.

She'll be either making another friend, or she'll be hated and be declared as someone's rival.

At the second capital of Nuwara, Nanodesu. Night time…

Pawn and Luii are alone together currently heading back to the Nuwara Headquarters to report what was seen today.

"So Luii, can I stay inside your room tonight?' Pawn asked as both stopped by a Nyanku's Burger Shop. Pawn didn't hesitate to pull out his wallet as Luii thought of what to answer.

"Nah, fuck off, I'll see you at the front lines tomorrow." Luii walked off but was stopped by Pawns sudden comeback.

"Oh don't hate me for asking, I'm just wondering if your cat ass needs some company, you're a cat after all.

"Tch- y'know, If you still had your cat tail you would be getting some shota cats on your puss, or better yet maybe Coin can come after he's done smashing some loli asses at some neo nightclub or when he's bored with Kace-


Pawn walks up to burger joint, leaving Luii speechless until-


Luii was expecting an old friend would be that kind to go wild, but she didn't expect an old close friend of hers would have some kind of relationship with another old friend of hers.

Maybe Pawn is lying? Was he being sarcastic? Luii wonders to herself but did not bother to ask herself more questions about the topic so she can't combust her own brain.

. . .

After Pawn has ordered some of the usual for himself, Luii takes notes of some things that they've seen today. She can still remember what she has seen with their very eyes, even though it was 4 hours ago.

But just in case she forgets she must write it down in her notepad.

Writing information such as this makes Luii remember some things when she was still an untrained cat. Like writing a journal.

She's always bored when they need to travel so she writes her stress away to what she is experiencing right now and later she'll be able to understand what was happening to her then.

Sometimes it's a bunch of random words but most of the time she can get pretty much her thoughts.

Though it's been years since she's done that, though it isn't bad to write one whole journal for this war again as well.

If she ever survives from the striving and fierce Piantinis maybe she'll sell the journal and some loli will make a novel out of it.

A story about Luii Lexi's adventure through hell once again. She'll be remembered!

But she has this small feeling that it's a bad idea. She doesn't know what but it feels like… eh…

"So Luii, speaking of Kace, you're her partner for this mission tomorrow." Pawn said as he unwrapped a burger from it's cover.

Luii kind of knew that Kace would be the one that will stick behind Luii's back.

They've been friends for a long time so there's no problem with that.

"So uh, Pawn. About Coin, were you being sarcastic when you were talking about him and Kace? I mean-" Luii stopped herself and thinks forms second before continuing. "No- Were you serious that Coin has some sort of relationship with Kace?" She asked as the shota looked at her and took a bite off his burger.

He chews on the burger, still not answering the question he's been asked.

Luii is just waiting for a response while she's squinting her eyes towards the calm and glutton Pawn.

A few seconds later he swallows his food and looks at Luii again. She seems a bit impatient now.


"That's all you have to say?!" Luii groans as she pulls her hair hard before calming down and sitting down on the chair.

"I see, you're joking with me aren't you?"

"Sigh, Nyankers listen. I wasn't supposed to tell you this. My tongue slipped, I wasn't supposed to sprout that out."

Luii raises an eyebrow. "A secret to be exact?" She says as the shota nods continuing his feast upon the meat layered burger.

Luii thinks about this for a few seconds.

"I see… If that's the case I shouldn't ask, but if I were you, I would beat the crap outta Coin for having some… explicit time with Kace, I hope you're not joking."

Pawn shakes his head as he puts his burger down on the table and grabs his cola. "Why would I be joking in an empty stomach? I know I just bitten the burger to half already but I'm still craving it."

Luii sighs as she mentally agrees with Pawn with his defense. It should be obvious Pawn isn't sarcastic or a liar when he's hungry.

He says that he's hungry all of the time whenever a food chain appears. It's quite difficult for Luii to track if Pawn is really starving or he just wants to eat.

But she'll believe Pawn this time.

"Want some fries?" Pawn asked as he gently pushed the bucket to Luii which she sighs as she grabs the whole bucket of fries.

"Sorry I haven't eaten as well, order another bucket for yourself I'll pay for it."

Pawn shrugged as both of them continued to chat about stuff while they satisfied their hunger.

Nuwara's 2nd Capital: Nanodesu, N.H.A.

The Kupip Project is currently missing some key members, due to this they cannot proceed with today's check not until one of the key members have arrived.

Speaking of key members, who is this key member? It's Luii Lexi.

She was missing when the rising sun came. Everyone was in a panic and thought she'd been kidnapped, but she left a note on her bed which if now she would be found already by everyone, but it seems like someone took that note and headed straight for Luii.

. . .

Luii is currently enjoying herself with some ice cream while sitting on the warm beach sand while her other hand holds the trigger for the assault shotgun she's been provided with if anything were to happen when she's searching.

She left early this morning so she can see if there's some sneaking Piantinis walking around while the sun is rising. But she eventually got tired and sat on some sand at the Nuwara C Beach and now she's helping herself cool off with a popsicle.

"I wonder what they're up to, mnyah…" She thinks to herself as she still does nothing but sit down and lick her popsicle.

It shouldn't be a hustle to let down your guard if her Shaku automatically let's her know if some shitbag of a loli comes to take her down.

Luii turns around and it's none other than Pawn himself. "Yo nyankers." He sat next to her as the gun was suddenly pointed at him.

"Who are you."

"I almost sucked a dick one time"

"Oh Pawn, you've found my letter?"

Pawn shrugs as he calmly takes the gun away from his head. "So mind telling me what's up? I thought you were kidnapped but it turns out you were just chilling, and eating a cold treat here." Luii took a glance on the sea before looking at Pawn. "It's hard to understand so better listen."

. . .

"Ah." Finally understanding what motives she had when she left the place he can forget about it, but Kace will be upset at Luii for not telling anyone sooner.

"Ah by the way, have you told the others that I was here?" Luii asked which left Pawn unable to answer and thought of nothing but unconsciously saying "Uhh…"

Luii already knew Pawn would forget.

Of course he would forget something like this. There's an exact sentence she wrote where whoever is reading the letter they must tell the others where she was, but seeing Pawn pick up the letter he probably didn't read the rest of the letter once he knew where Luii was going to be.

"Yup! I told everyone so don't worry nyankers." Pawn said as Luii rolled her eyes.

"So, how'd you sleep last night?"


"Could be better. I'm still concerned for Aishe tho, nyah. I wonder what's going on right now."

"Oh she'll be fine, I'm sure what you taught her will be remembered. She is an obedient kid, right?"

"I wouldn't say obedient, she just likes to follow what I do most of the time."

"Yeah… go figured."

. . .

"Wanna grab another bite at the burger joint?"

"Seriously, nyah. How come can you eat like a pig and not gain calories?"


"I can't believe this is happening to me right now…"

All of the juniors of the Murikon Boot camp are currently in line for their daily morning training.

All lolis have partners with them, none of them is left alone, especially Nene.

"Do we really have to hold hands… This is an embarrassment!"

"I-I'm sorry N-nene but they told us to do this, I-I didn't think we're going to be army p-partners to be honest…"

"Shut up, I don't wanna hear your comments."


"O-okay then, Nene…"


Chapter Ends.