The So Called Reality

The Great Loli War: The Stars Era

The Fifth Great Loli War: 8930.

Author: Tion_Official

Volume: 3 Chapter 33: The So Called Reality.

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"This is how you take someone's life."

[sfx: Loud gunshot.]

[sfx: Shotgun cocks.]

"Do you understand that?"

"Y-yes, your star! Th-thank you for the knowledge that you have bestowed to me!"

"Good, now go."

The Junior nods as she runs off with the rest of her boot camp partner's.

T is once again out in the open, but she's not worried about getting killed. If anything she should be worried about what will happen if the other stars start to go full on crazy without her command?

The Pianty Military would accidentally kill themselves if it wasn't for T managing the whole military, and probably the whole country soon.

It's been years since the third great war.

The years where she was just an ordinary commanding officer and not some next ruler to the throne.

"If I become what they want me to become, can I stop this war before it's too late?" She asks mostly herself as she sits down on the bleeding corpse and pulls out a pack of cigarettes.

"Did I make the right choice to obey? Or did I make things worse?"

[sfx: Lighter.]

"It's too late to cry now… I basically let myself in this mess and now I have to end it." She pulls out a cigarette in her pack and puts the rest in her pocket.

T has always wondered what the world would look like if all lolis and shota lived in harmony. Would it be better than the one she lives in right now?

"No. All lolis and shotas united?

That isn't going to happen. I'm in a world where everyone has opinions.

One opinion can change another, and one will disagree and tell her others.

And then, conflict, argument and eventually war."

T looks at her cigarette that she just lit up.

She sees it burning, withering by the fire.

She stares at it before she just throws it away and sighs.

"I should probably stop smoking, I sound like a demon when I smoke a lot."

She gets up and walks back to her office, or in other words…

[sfx: Door Opening.]

"I can tell you're all celebrating from a universe away- Why are you all partying?!!"

[sfx: Music Stop.]

The other stars of Pianty were caught red handed by the one and only partying.

They seem like they were enjoying themselves, while T is just concerned about what's going to happen to this world.

But T did not discuss this further as she knows this is what her fellow stars would do when she's gone thinking to herself.

Mindlessly partying thinking nothing bad will happen.

Lolis of Pianty are dumb, careless, and wouldn't bother to care about their surroundings. T is just shocked and impressed in the inside that her comrades still reached to this day.

What would they do without her?

"Whatever, everyone postpone your celebrations, I have a declaration."

A few minutes later.

They didn't clean the room nor stopped what they were doing. T doesn't mind as long as their ears are not open for her.

Everyone was chilling, thinking T must be announcing something, like she always does, it's nothing special as always.

"So T, what's this about?"

"I should be asking all of you that question, but moving to my declaration, I've decided something."

[sfx: Air Conditioner Wind.]

"We're blowing Nanora to bits."