The North Gate Can Be Disbanded Now

Xu Cheng walked over that guy in the tunic suit, directly stepping over the gang members of North Gate, and headed towards that muscular guy coughing blood that said he beat up Xu Cheng's colleague.

That guy saw Xu Cheng slowly walked towards him, yet he just couldn't summon the strength to run or even roll away.

The kind of pressure Xu Cheng was exerting completely terrified him.

"You think little patrol officers can't take care of you?" Xu Cheng arrived at the center, scanned all the miserable North Gate disciples on the ground, and shouted, "I will leave my words here. If you guys obey the law, then I have nothing against you all. However, if I ever catch you guys breaking the law or pissing me off, then I will visit you every day and play with your bones a bit."

Then, he grabbed the guy that beat up Old Wang and got ready to take him away.

Unexpectedly, under the streetlight, three shadows appeared in front of him.

"Let him go."