Blindfolded Shooting

Shi Wenbin personally went to find a blindfold because he needed to find the type that not even wind could blow through, the type that wouldn't even let you see a speck of light. He needed to make sure Xu Cheng couldn't successfully show off this time. 

He was already grumpy. You already showed off your shooting skills, and now you want to try it while blindfolded? Why don't you just ascend to heaven? 

Why can't you leave us ordinary people alone, why do you have to show off so much?

Right now, Shi Wenbin was seeing Xu Cheng as a man that was about to ascend to heaven. He needed to pull Xu Cheng down, so he went and found the thickest blindfold he could, not feeling the slightest guilt about it. 

Shi Wenbin muttered in his heart, Master, it's not that I don't respect you, but you are showing off so much that I, as an ordinary being, just couldn't take it anymore.