Physical Attrition Battle

The police director originally convinced the city officials and said that Xu Cheng would definitely win against the North Gate gang leader, and that was why the city officials approved this deathmatch. But then, it turned out that he didn't do enough research and only learned after that Xu Cheng's combat strength was on a steep decline. Now, he was in a deep dilemma. 

And now, if he agreed to the North Gate gang leader's request and then lost, he would definitely be forced to resign.

Of course, if North Gate could really disband after this fight, then his merits would also be huge. At this moment, all became a gamble. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that he was putting his career on the line, as well as Xu Cheng's life. 

If Xu Cheng died, then he would also owe his old friend at the 5th Military Region big time.