All with Different Thoughts

Lin Chuxue no longer cared about whether other people knew about her relationship with Xu Cheng. She directly pushed away the police blocking the way, ran past the fences and came to Xu Cheng, shouting anxiously, "Xu Cheng! Xu Cheng!"

Ran Jing and the others immediately ran over and took a look at the dagger left inside Xu Cheng's abdomen area, seeing that it was still bleeding. She immediately shouted towards the ambulance outside, "Doctor!"

The doctors and others immediately rushed over and put Xu Cheng on the stretcher. Lin Chuxue tightly grabbed onto Xu Cheng's hand and refused to let go.

"Please let go, we need to take him to the hospital."

"I'm going to." Lin Chuxue refused.

Ran Jing gave a look to the medical staff, and they had no choice but to let her get onto the ambulance as well.