Like a Flower, Blooming Quietly

When Xu Cheng saw four skeletons coming closer to him, he almost wasn't sure whether he was dreaming or not, but the pain in his abdominal area confirmed that this was real.

Hearing the voice, he knew it was Lin Lei. He closed his eyes so he didn't have to see the ridiculous scene. He just wanted to know right now what was going on with his eyes.

Maybe only those dead research scientists from that lab could explain that this is actually a potential ability that was unlocked!

Earlier, his eyes already had the ability to accurately capture details of images, but this full-on fight worked his brain and eyes to the limit as he tried to lock onto over a hundred dudes, causing his eyes to actually mutate. 

Actually, it should be said that they sublimated. 

From the initial stage of quickly capturing details to the penetrating vision on objects, in other words, he could now see through all objects, including metal and flesh.