
She really wanted to know how Xu Cheng knew there was a killer on the roof.

"How did you know his location?"

Xu Cheng pointed at his eyes and said, "Because I am Jesus and can see everything."

The two girls rolled their eyes at him. "For real."

Xu Cheng bitterly-smiled. "Half of it was the truth, I already told you yet you don't believe me. How else do you want me to explain?"

"Just wait for the day you start calling me Captain Xu," he smiled and said.

Ran Jing snorted. "We will bring him back and interrogate him first to see if he's actually here for you or not."

Just when Xu Cheng wanted to talk again, his ultrasound waves covering the entire hospital caught something. 

"Be quiet for a second." Xu Cheng immediately stopped the two girls and then closed his eyes. When he opened them again, his pair of eyes already entered penetrating-vision mode and scanned the entire hospital.