I’m Convinced

Xu Cheng just let them laugh. Then, he picked up his plates, walked over to Team 2's table, and sat down by the table his team was at. Li Chao looked toward him and said, "Boss, I really want to slap their faces."

Xu Cheng faintly smiled. "Don't worry, you will have the opportunity later on."

Wu Gang also looked toward Xu Cheng. "But your plan does hurt my balls a little."

Xu Cheng confidently replied, "It's easy to dodge a gunshot from the open but not an arrow from the dark. My plan isn't conventional, and you will see."

Wu Gang was trying so hard to suppress his urge that even his stomach was hurting, and he finally couldn't take it anymore and asked, "Boss, you are instructing us openly to follow them, and also telling Li Chao and the others to check their accounting books. Everyone now knows what we are trying to do… I feel kind of stupid that we are directly approaching the case like this…"