They Checked, But I Haven’t

After Xu Cheng was full, Li Chao, who was looking at him this whole time, finally asked, "Are we f*cking sh*t up tonight?"

Xu Cheng nodded. "Notify everyone, go to F Terminal of the East Gate port and set up an ambush there. Tonight at 6, a ship is docking and it has a large amount of cash on board."

Li Chao nodded. Then, he hurriedly packed everything up from Xu Cheng's car and drove his own car back to the police station. Xu Cheng held his drink and looked at Chang Qing's villa, faintly smiling.

So what if you have eyes in the police system? I can see through you all.

After Chang Qing contacted Hetian, he called his other three bros. Now, he wasn't sure if the other three had been tailed by the police, but he also didn't trust the others enough.

After the call finally went through to Second Bro Vermilion Bird, Chang Qing anxiously asked, "What's happening on your end?"