
Li Dazhuang snorted and said, "I just let my guard down. If I took caution in the beginning and notified West Gate in advance, you wouldn't be where you are today."

Xu Cheng: "Did you not disclose my plans?"

Then, he continued, "Ever since I took over West Gate's case from Team 5, West Gate knew right away. Such speed could only mean that they have eyes in our backline, but I didn't know who it was. So, before I could confirm, I told Team 2 to work in secret, and the retarded action plans I submitted were just a cover-up. I think that another reason you let your guard down was because of those action plans, right? So, not only you, West Gate didn't take me seriously too and that made my job a lot easier."

Li Dazhuang looked at him, curious. "Then how did you know I was the mole?"