I Definitely Wouldn’t Want to Provoke You

"I do?"

Chang Qing narrowed his eyes. "How do you still have the confidence to say that at a time like this? You don't think they dare to kill you? Even if you called for backup right now, your men will only come here to find you dead on the ground."

Xu Cheng said to him, "Just stay in the car, don't come out."

Then, Xu Cheng got out of the car. Looking at the three men in trench coats in the dark alley, Xu Cheng could see the guns by their waists. 

"Before dying, can you tell me if you guys were sent by East Gate or the underground money house?"

The assassin leading the group said in broken Huaxia language, "Why do you care? Why not go see the hell king with that question and ask him yourself?"