I Forgive You In My Mother’s Place

Liu Wei and the others began running for their lives, and Tie Shi blocked Xu Cheng's path to stop him from going after them. "Let me see how strong this dark horse is."

As he said that, he dashed in front of Xu Cheng at a shocking speed and punched at Xu Cheng's chest. Xu Cheng didn't expect his speed to be this quick, but although it was quick, Tie Shi didn't expect his fist to make no impact after hitting Xu Cheng. If anything, it felt like his fist landed on a wall. 

"Does it hurt?' Xu Cheng asked the shocked Tie Shi. Then, he flexed his chest muscles, and Tie Shi took a step back, followed by a turnaround side kick at Xu Cheng's body. 

However, it was just that the kick seemed to be lacking a bit in strength, and Xu Cheng wasn't at all affected by it. 

"Your speed is good, but you are lacking a bit in damage," Xu Cheng said nonchalantly.