This Brat is Not Bad

The elder smiled slyly and then looked at Xu Cheng. "Will you be able to though?"

Xu Cheng stretched his arm. "I can carry even if you add ten more grandpas on top of you."

Then, he lowered his body. "Come on."

The elder got onto Xu Cheng's back and wrapped his hand around his neck. Then, he concentrated his qi into his dantian region and cemented down his force.

When Xu Cheng tried to get up, he realized that the old man was abnormally heavy. He completely didn't expect it and almost threw his back out, and his legs even shivered a bit.

Then, he narrowed his eyes and immediately realized that this elder was no simple old man. 

The elder laughed and asked, "Didn't I warn you? You might not be able to."

"Who said so?" Xu Cheng faintly smiled and then summoned more strength. When he slightly lifted the elder, the elder used his internal force and weighed himself down even more.