Going to the Black Market

When Xu Cheng tossed the big and small bags onto Bei Shan's pickup truck, Bei Shan's eyelids jumped. "Holy f-ck, careful! These are all priceless!"

Xu Cheng snorted, "These are priceless treasures to you but just a pile of copper and iron to me. Hurry up and drive."

Bei Shan started the car and drove off as he laughed. "Yo man, holy crap, I didn't know you were this good… How did you sneak your way up there?"

Xu Cheng rolled his eyes at him. "Sneak? How humiliating would that be? I killed my way up, taking out 28 bodyguards. The elite that was on the Sky Ranking or whatever, to be honest, he was strong, but he was way too slow, and he couldn't even take a hit. But I did underestimate his brawler's gloves though."

Xu Cheng said as he took them out. The spikes on there were all reinforced with diamonds.

"It's probably worth some money too."

Bei Shan rolled his eyes at him. "You didn't even leave this behind?"