Inevitable Clash

Xu Cheng and Bei Shan successfully left the black market with the cultural relics, and when passing the checkpoint, an inspector said to him, "Mr. Fang, out of respect for you, next time you come, you don't have to leave your weapon with us."

"Thank your boss for me," Xu Cheng said, and Bei Shan drove off.

Haber had been waiting at the airport he parked his private jet at, and one of his men said, "Boss, what are you waiting for? Do you really believe that someone could leave the black market by himself when the whole city is after him? I don't think we should waste any more time here."

Haber sighed. "I don't really believe it too, yet I just can't help but think 'What if he is actually lucky enough?' I do quite like those artifacts, so let's just wait a little longer."