What a Clever Round

The dealer distributed the first round of cards, and just like Xu Cheng had expected, he got the 8 of Clovers.

Stephen got the 7 of Diamonds, and Peel got the J of Spades.

Dealer: "J of Spades, speak."

Peel looked at his face-down cards - J and 3. Right now, he already had a pair of Js, so the opening was quite smooth for him.

Every raise couldn't be lower than 50 million, so there was nothing to say about that. Peel directly raised. "50 million."

Stephen's hand wasn't bad either, because his opening hand already had the biggest cards - K and Ace. There was no reason for him to not raise. "Call."

Xu Cheng didn't say anything and directly threw in the chips. 

The dealer dealt the second round of face-up cards.

Xu Cheng got 2 of Clovers. (A382) 

Stephen got 2 of Hearts. (KA72)

Peel got Ace of Spades. (J3JA)

The dealer said, "Ace of Spades, speak."