
Jenkins was furious. He directly grabbed the phone out of Terry's hand and shouted, "Are you crazy? Are you really that scared of him?"

Terry was already sweating out of his forehead. "If you are not afraid, then why are you afraid of me announcing the change your company is going to go through?"

Jenkins was furious. "Do you know how severe of a blow your news would deal to my company's stocks?"

Terry: "I know, but in comparison to my life, your life and death has nothing to do with me!"

Jenkins pushed him away. "I won't facking let you make this call. What is that guy going to do? Kill you or something?"

Terry immediately charged over and tried to grab his phone back. "That's right, he's going to kill me. You don't know the kind of things he already did, just stop fighting him already. If you go against him, you are only going to die a gruesome death, got that? Give me my phone!"