Are You Saying I’m Petty?

Xu Cheng grinned. "It's fine, my dad's a soldier, he doesn't mind these little details. He's very easy going, you don't have to be so formal with your first meeting."

Lin Chuxue kowtowed before the tombstone and said with a bright smile, "Dad, I'm Lin Chuxue, Xu Cheng's wife. In the future, I will be a good wife to him and take care of him. Don't worry, Xu Cheng's doing very well too."

Xu Cheng helped Lin Chuxue get up and said, "Come, have a seat over there and just wait a bit for me, I will finish engraving it right away."

Lin Chuxue nodded and waited on the stairs, looking at Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng didn't use a professional tool, instead choosing the sharp edge of Charles's diamond gloves. He engraved his dad's name, year of life, and accomplishments in life, before putting his name on the tombstone, as his dad's son.

However, he didn't put Chuxue's name on there.