Met But Cannot Acknowledge

- At the stream running through the waist of Kunlun Snow Mountain - 

Xu Cheng walked along the river and found a set of buildings that looked like a rural paradise from the ancient times.

He knew he couldn't barge in by force with his current capabilities, so the only thing he could do to get in was to go invisible.

He stripped himself naked. If someone were to see him, they would for sure be shocked to see how some naked guy was just standing in the snow but wasn't afraid of the cold at all, besides being shocked by the fact that there was a naked guy to begin with. 

That's right, he was confused too. He was in a snowy environment and normal people wouldn't be able to stand this climate, yet he didn't feel even the slightest hint of coldness despite getting butt naked. Xu Cheng thought it might have something to do with the water bear genes. 

It was indeed the organism with the most powerful adaptability on Earth.