You Guys Forced Me!

Ye Ruanshu looked at Xu Cheng, tears streaming down her face like rain. Similar!

Too similar! 

Just like his father!

Ye Ruanshu stared at Xu Cheng in a daze. "Child, just go. As long as you are alive and well, that would be fulfilling my greatest wish already"

With his back facing her, he looked at the guards coldly and said, "No! I still need to bring you to my dad's grave! Twenty years, it's been twenty years since he heard your voice! I think there's also a lot you want to say to him. I'm taking you out of this place. Today, whether dead or alive, as a son, I will live for my dad for today!"

Then, he stood up upright. He was very tall, even 10 cm taller than the 180 cm Xu Zhenxiong. 

He took a few steps forward, and those guards that were scared of him took a few steps back. 

Only the old man of the Ye Family stood there unmovingly, like a mountain.

His eyes narrowed. "Looks like you don't want to live anymore."