Your Eating Manner’s So Ugly

"Senior Brother, how is he?" At this time, someone asked the Ace of Hearts.

The Ace of Hearts looked at the display and said, "Still alive. Judging from his heartbeat and movement speed, he has already engaged the enemy. His heartbeat is accelerating, but it's within a normal range."

Standing by the main door of the Murong Family, Xu Cheng's clothes were all full of holes from the bullets. His heart ached, and he directly tore the clothes off of his body. "I just facking got my uniform. It's not even warm from my body heat yet and it's already ruined."

Everyone else was dumbfounded, because they already emptied the clips in their rifles, yet Xu Cheng was just standing there as if nothing happened and was even chit-chatting with them.

Xu Cheng thought, since they already destroyed his clothes, then he might as well not wear anything. 

So, he entered the super pervert mode again. That's right, it's to strip naked and go invisible.