Reunion of the 3 Swordsmen

- The next day, at the graveyard of martyrs - 

The military commander personally led the funeral for Zhang Chenfeng. All the leaders bowed deeply in tribute. 

As requested by Zhang Chenfeng before he died, they didn't have a high-level memorial service for him. Those Dragon Division members that died in battle were also buried with him. Although the ceremony was simple, all the major military leaders attended so the scene wasn't small at all.

Xu Cheng and the other members of the Dragon Division stood on the two sides of the tombstone, and the leaders all spoke with them one by one.

The commander came over and patted Xu Cheng on the shoulder. "Thank you for your service! I hope the Dragon Division can shine in your hands. Go on, don't let the country down."

Xu Cheng nodded and saluted.

The commander smiled. "No need to be so formal here. You are not Colonel Xu Cheng anymore."