You Can Take Over This for Young Master

Sister Wang gritted her teeth and said, "Under this kind of situation, they obviously would be on our side because you are their celebrity, what are you still afraid about? Chuxue's usually not a difficult person to talk to, and besides, she likes you a lot too, right? Just call and ask her."

Liu Ziqi thought for a bit before she took out her phone and called the company. 

The big boss of the company scolded her, "You still need me to come out and help you with that? She's not an outsider, that's your senior sister in the company! What are you afraid of?"

Liu Ziqi: "I'm just afraid that Senior Sister will become angry with me… Isn't Instructor Xu's relationship with her not simple? I'm scared that she wouldn't be happy and give me a difficult time… If that Instructor Xu's really her boyfriend, then aren't I basically saying 'can you introduce your boyfriend to me?'"