I Think I Can Be Even Crazier

This meeting with Xu Cheng indeed scared Haber to his core. 

After wiping the water off of his face, Xu Cheng smiled at him. "It's really too difficult to meet you, so I had no choice but to come over to your house and wait."

Haber swallowed his spittle and slowly said, "To be honest, Bro, you almost gave me a heart attack. But then again, I've been through a lot of storms and hurdles in my lifetime, I can still hold on. However, I think you are not simply here to enjoy the hot spring with me, right?"

Xu Cheng smiled. "Of course, I need your help with something. I know you businessmen are after profits and are all about self-interest, so I decided to meet you in this way to show how sincere I am."

Haber shook his head and smiled bitterly. "You probably gave me erectile dysfunction for the whole night today, you know?"

Then, he gestured with his hand and the six bodyguards around him all turned around and distanced themselves from them.